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”....paying attention on purpose,

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Presentation on theme: "”....paying attention on purpose,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ”....paying attention on purpose,
Introduction to Mindfulness Mindfulness is.... ”....paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally....” Jon Kabat Zinn

2 Why Mindfulness is so important
The mind is an amazing tool but if we are unable to switch it off, it can overwhelm us.. It is estimated that the average person thinks between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts every day!

3 Dealing with Stresses in our Lives
When we perceive a threat we react automatically using one of two ancient doing mind strategies: -Adrenalin based reactions – saving ourselves from danger by fighting with, running away from, protecting or camouflaging ourselves fight, flight and freeze -Problem-solving processes where we attempt to fix or resolve the perceived problem. We address the perceived gap between how things are and how they should be. Focus is on closing the gap and will remain forefront of our awareness until the gap is closed. Appropriate for some tasks and problems we encounter. The mind becomes very active trying to resolve emotional problems through thinking. This ruminative thinking often increases the problem.

4 Mindfulness is the practice of..
Stepping back from being lost in thought Bringing your attention fully into the present moment Observing whatever arises in awareness with friendly curiosity It is non judgmental and accepting of whatever arises be it pleasant or unpleasant

5 Mindfulness meditation is NOT:
Positive thinking A relaxation technique Going into a trance Trying to blank your mind

6 Background Origins in Eastern, Buddhist philosophy
Adapted to a secular, 8 week programme format Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction(MBSR) in the USA by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979 It was initially offered in a hospital setting for people with a variety of health conditions

7 Can be practised in different settings
Formal meditation practice - bodyscan, mindful movement, sitting practice Informal practice - awareness of present moment experience during daily life Will be engaging in the formal practice experientially during the workshop, so you’ll find out by doing the practices

8 Summary: Mindfulness: Being With and Approaching our Experience
Seeing things as they actually are, here and now/in this moment Bringing a friendly curiosity to our experience, however that is Investigating the detail of our experience Non-fixing, not trying to change what’s here. Choices to respond based on full and current information - rather than habitual reacting.

9 Mindfulness Practice leads to..
Less worry about the past or future Less criticism of self and others More acceptance of the present moment as it is A different way of relating to and coping with sensations, emotions, thoughts and feelings. A greater sense of being a part of life

10 An example..mindful eating
Most people live on ‘Auto Pilot’…. Very often we do things automatically, without noticing what we’re doing. We churn out judgments about ourselves and others. We try to do ten things at once. We frequently get so caught up in thoughts and feelings about the past or future that we get lost in them, disconnecting from what is happening now right in front of us


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