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PAGE 9th Donor Steering Committee Meeting

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1 PAGE 9th Donor Steering Committee Meeting
Doc 2.1. Presentation on 2018 highlights of page 1

Highlights 2018 Green ECONOMY in NATIONAL PLANNING Kyrgyz Republic: Green Economy included in Government Development Programme , adopted by Parliament on 20 April 2018 Guyana: Presentation of Green State Development Strategy to Cabinet on 18 October 2018 Burkina Faso: National Strategy for Green Economy validated by stakeholders in August 2018 South Africa: Identification of priority green economy indicators for National Development Plan, Medium-Term Strategic Framework and SDG linkages 2

3 SeCtoral And Thematic Policy Reforms
Highlights 2018 SeCtoral And Thematic Policy Reforms Mongolia National Green Construction Policy in public consultation Amendment to Sustainable Public Procurement law scheduled for discussion in Parliament’s Fall session (Oct – Feb 2019) Mauritius Marshall Plan implementation in June 2018 Budget Speech further operationalized with specific measures Green Economy Assessment recommendation followed and budget allocated to incentivize organic agriculture 3

4 Individual Capacity Building
Highlights 2018 Individual Capacity Building Green Fiscal Policy Reform E-learning course in first half of 2018 38 Participants from 25 countries Mr. Burzhubaev, Member of Public Council, Ministry of Finance, Kyrgyz Rep. Developed plan for fuel subsidy reform with learning from the course & support from other participants Plan is included in next phase of country development programme "During my participation, I was leading two reviews for the state of the environment and biodiversity to provide an understanding of the level of financing needed in Kyrgyzstan. Therefore, I used the knowledge I gained during the course to formulate recommendations of state policy.“ intervention-kyrgyzstan 4

5 Individual Capacity Building
Highlights 2018 Individual Capacity Building Mauritius: Training on Green Bonds Market Development with Stock Exchange of Mauritius and UNEP Finance Initiative South Africa: i) Pilot Green Economy e-Learning Course for national/provincial governments, NGOs and private sector; and ii) Training on Green Economy Progress Measurement Framework Ghana: Green Economy and SDG Media Training, with Ministry of Environment, Sciences, Technology, and Innovation Kyrgyz Republic: i) Training on Green Economy data journalism, and ii) Training on green economy policy tools and policy assessment methodologies Peru: Training on Green Jobs Promotion in the Solid Waste Management sector 5

6 Institutional Capacity Building
Highlights 2018 Institutional Capacity Building Mongolia Course on Green Economy Modelling in Mongolian University from Fall Semester 2018 Course on Sustainable Finance to start in Spring Semester 2019 Peru Capacity built in Ministry, University and National Planning Center on use system dynamics modelling for policy scenarios and assessments Green Economy Learning Assessment completed in Senegal, Mauritius, Burkina Faso and Kyrgyz Republic 6

7 Mobilization, Partnerships, oUTREACH
Highlights 2018 Mobilization, Partnerships, oUTREACH Mauritius: Green Economy Forum, led by Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Range of topics (green bonds, public environment expenditures, GE learning, green industry and business); launch of PAGE products 6 news paper articles in national media South Africa: National Academy on Green Economy Peru: National Forum for the Promotion of Green Jobs, organized by Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion, PAGE and European Union Kyrgyz Republic: Upcoming Green Economy Forum, October, led by Ministry of Economy, in cooperation with GIZ 7

8 Continuous outreach for Green Industry and Trade Trilogy
Highlights 2018 Tools and Knowledge Continuous outreach for Green Industry and Trade Trilogy Panel discussion in February at the Graduate Institute in Geneva Global road show led by German Development Institute Background document for Global Green Industry Conference, Oct. 2018 Measuring Green Growth Performance Opportunities Workshop with GGKP and GGGI Green Industry Indicators Workshop in UNIDO (around the Green Industrial Policy Index) 8

9 Cooperation with Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP)
Highlights 2018 Tools and Knowledge Cooperation with Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Green Industry Platform and Green Finance Platform Green Industry Platform Scoping Study finalized (March) Green Industry Platform website outline finalized (May) Green Finance Platform Scoping Study finalized (July) Green Finance Platform website outline finalized (August) Both platforms: website development work launched (September) Green Industry Platform concept & outline presented at UNIDO Green Industry Conference (October) 9

10 Cooperation with Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP)
Highlights 2018 Tools and Knowledge Cooperation with Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Expert Connect Service: Connects international expertise to fill knowledge gaps in national policy processes for green economy transition First engagement with Mongolia, in collaboration and NREL (April-May) Inclusion of Expert Connect information in GGKP webinars (June) Launch of Quarterly Expect Connect Update newsletter (June-July) Identify lessons learned, outline next set of operational and communication materials, based on lessons learned (August-September) 10

11 PAGE at High-Level Political Forum 2018
Highlights 2018 Global outreach PAGE at High-Level Political Forum 2018 11

12 Latin America Green Awards,
Highlights 2018 Global outreach Latin America Green Awards, August 2018 in Ecuador 12

13 UNDP Implemented Funds for National and Regional Green Finance
Highlights 2018 UNDP Implemented Funds for National and Regional Green Finance National: Sector economic valuations initiated in Brazil, Indonesia Mongolia: Public-private investment facility for climate-resilient market-based cashmere value chain under preparation Indonesia: Green “Sukuk” Bond for climate change finance Regional and Global Activities PAGE HLPF event in NY on “Transforming our Economies & Lifestyles: Greener & Fairer for Future Generations” Green Latin American Awards & High-Level Dialogue on GE and Sustainable Finance Marketplace in Ecuador in August   Global Good Growth Conference in Peru May PAGE countries: Peru, Brazil, Ghana, Indonesia; plus 6 other countries 13

14 Highlights 2018 Global outreach Kyrgyz Republic-Mongolia Exchange recognized as best practice by United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (report released in Sept 2018) 14

15 Lessons learned Maintain the strategic focus of PAGE
A tailor made approach for each country Reporting, visibility and story telling with focus on results/impacts South-South learning on green economy Same partners, different results Fully financing IGE policies needs dedicated efforts 16

16 PAGE 9th Donor Steering Committee Meeting
Doc 2.1. Presentation on mid-term evaluation follow-up progress 17

17 Follow-up to Midterm Evaluation
Financial management suitable for a five agency partnership with global reach Multi-Partner Trust fund established and main avenue for PAGE fund management First financial report made available by Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office in May 2018 Comprehensive capacity development approach capturing global and national level Global Green Economy Academies, moderated on-line trainings, self-paced open access on-line courses National level focuses on strategic capacity assessments, individual and institutional capacity building Building partnerships and networks e.g. through Green Economy Learning Fora focused on capacity building based on PAGE knowledge products, linking global courses and national level institutional capacity building Enhance South-South Cooperation and Peer-to-Peer learning Webinars with national coordinators and agency focal points (4 in 2017; 5 in 2018) Mongolia – Kyrgyz Republic cooperation Exchange through participation in national workshops, support for start-up in new countries 18

18 Follow-up to Midterm Evaluation
Develop Sustainability strategies with countries Criteria and methodology for developing sustainability plans available / completed by Mongolia For Peru, Senegal, Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mauritius sustainability plan in progress Prioritize recruitment of National Coordinators 9 countries with national coordinators: Barbados, Mongolia, South Africa, Uruguay, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mauritius, Senegal, Kyrgyz Republic (some position shared with Switch Africa Green) Hiring process for 7: Brazil (Mato Grosso), China (Jiangsu), Guyana, Argentina, Guatemala, Indonesia, India Alignment with SDGs and Paris Agreement PAGE reported SDG focus on each country in 2017 Annual Report Support for SDG implementation is taken up in work planning at request of government Close alignment with SDGs in messaging around global outreach events (HLPF, PAGE Conf. etc.) 19

19 Follow-up to Midterm Evaluation
Strengthening collaboration with green economy / green growth partners GGKP: Expert Connect, Green Finance and Industry platforms GGGI: Joint workshop on green growth indicators, joint implementation (Peru, Mongolia, Senegal) Green Economy Coalition: PAGE Conferences One Planet Network and SCP programmes: PAGE Ministerial Conference in South Africa and joint delivery in countries (e.g. Mongolia, India, Burkina Faso, Mauritius) SWITCH: Joint national coordinators (Mauritius, Burkina Faso, Ghana) and joint implementation in countries (Mauritius, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mongolia). PEI: Joint implementation in Burkina Faso and hand-over for Kyrgyz Republic Fiscal Policy Network: Partnership in Senegal, planned for Indonesia, and on on-line trainings UN Environment Finance Initiative: Green Bonds training, and joint implementation in countries (Mauritius, Ghana, Mongolia) UNICEF: PAGE Event at High-Level Political Forum OECD/GGGI/GGKP: Joint organization of Green Economy Leaning Forum, Paris, Nov 2018 20

20 Follow-up to Midterm Evaluation
Making PAGE more visible 2018/2019 outreach: UNEA-4, COP24, GGKP Annual Conference, PAGE Ministerial Conference Engagement of different stakeholders – links to Finance/Economic/Planning Ministries PAGE set-up in countries involves different Ministries and Government agencies: Environment, Finance, Planning, Labour, Trade, Industry, Statistics, Construction and Development Ministry of Finance in lead in Mauritius and Guatemala, Min. of Economy in Kyrgyz Rep., Planning Ministry in Indonesia, Ministry of Production and Labour in Argentina Private / Finance Sectors: Stock Exchange in Mauritius, Bankers Association in Mongolia and Ghana, SEB (Swedish financial group), National Business Initiative of South Africa Research / Academia: Civil Service College of Mauritius, Frankfurt School of Management, Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), CEDRES Université Ouaga II, North West University, Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection International Partners: European Union, GIZ, Sweden 21

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