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Low and Medium Voltage Test Facilities in Varennes' Scientific Park Workshop: DER Laboratories of Excellence, Testing, and Standards Napa, December 4th.

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Presentation on theme: "Low and Medium Voltage Test Facilities in Varennes' Scientific Park Workshop: DER Laboratories of Excellence, Testing, and Standards Napa, December 4th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Low and Medium Voltage Test Facilities in Varennes' Scientific Park Workshop: DER Laboratories of Excellence, Testing, and Standards Napa, December 4th 2006

2 2 Outline Presentation of the Low Voltage Test Facility Characteristics Topology Uses Planned activities Presentation of the Medium Voltage Test Facility Characteristics Topology Uses Planned activities

3 3 LV Test Facility Display

4 4 LV Test Facility Description Belongs to the CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Varennes Facility 120 kVA network with the following characteristics 3 phases individually controllable in voltage, waveform and phase angle Any voltage between 0 and 137 V Frequency between 45 and 70 Hz R, L and C loads of 120 kVA each, individually controllable on each phases Islanding switch programmable between 0-360° phase angle Multiple measurement points with precision power analysers. Convenient test facility designed with easy re-configuration in mind.

5 5 LV Test Facility Topology Measurement Points: -V, I, P, PF -Wave shape, THD -Others... M =

6 6 LV Test Facility Uses Characterise single and multiple inverters in terms of: Power quality Transient behaviour Anti-islanding performance Performance Validate standard test methods (e.g. IEC62116) and design new approach for less than ideal condition e.g. noisy grid situations Help model development by providing real-life behaviour of physical units Develop advanced control methods to support the grid in high penetration scenarios.

7 7 LV Test Facility Planned Activities Validation of power quality inverter models Validation of anti-islanding models developed by University of Alberta Investigation of inverter behaviour in noisy grid situations (validate product standards in such conditions) Investigation of control strategies allowing inverters to perform active compensation of power quality issues

8 8 MV Test Facility Display All material provided by Yves Brissette at IREQ

9 9 LV Test Facility Description Belongs to Hydro-Québec's Research Institute in Varennes Independent 25 kV line with: Its own transformer and circuit breaker 24 poles over 282 m Various circuit breakers and remote controlled switches with their control cabinets and protective relays 25 kV measuring equipment Variable industrial loads at 600 V up to 400 A: 125 HP asynchronous motor with or without electronic drive coupled to a DC generation connected to a resistive load Fully passive resistors and reactors electronically controlled to generate harmonics and imbalance

10 10 MV Test Facility Topology From substation transformer

11 11 MV Test Facility Topology for DG PCC MV substation (for the test line) SG INV Local network

12 12 MV Test Facility Uses Verification of network automation systems Equipment Installation methods for lineman Standardization of equipment for the network Experimental research on BPL (Broadband Power On Line) Data collection using intelligent metering and control cabinets of 25 kV equipment (accuracy and other parameters) Network integration of decentralized Energy resources

13 13 MV Test Facility Planned Activities Upgrade of the facility for DER tests Evaluation of intentional islanding schemes (IEEE 1547.4) Evaluation of grid behaviour in accidental islanding Synchronization of the active network at PCC Validation of soft-starter model for wind-turbine start-up application

14 14 For the LV Test Facility: For the MV Test Facility: Contacts Dave Turcotte Photovoltaic and Hybrid Systems Group CANMET Energy Technology Centre Varennes, Québec Yves Brissette, Eng. Electrical Equipment Expertise Department Institute of Research of Hydro-Québec Varennes, Québec

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