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Future Naval Capabilities Program
UNCLASSIFIED Future Naval Capabilities Program May 10-12, 2016 Mike Meyers FNC Director Distribution Statement D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only; critical technology; March Other requests for this document shall be referred to the Office of Naval Research, 875 N. Randolph Street, Arlington, VA Destruction Notice – For unclassified, limited documents, destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. UNCLASSIFIED DCN#
The Office of Naval Research The S&T Provider for the Navy and Marine Corps
UNCLASSIFIED 4,000+ People 23 Locations $2.1B / year >1,000 Partners Discover Develop Technological Advantage Deliver Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Naval S&T Investment Strategy
UNCLASSIFIED Assure Access to Maritime Battlespace Platform Design & Survivability Autonomy & Unmanned Systems Power & Energy Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare Power Projection & Integrated Defense Expeditionary & Irregular Warfare Information Dominance/Cyber Warfighter Performance Discovery & Invention (Basic and Applied Science) ≈ 45% Focus Leap Ahead Innovations (Innovative Naval Prototypes) ≈ 12% Technology Maturation (FNCs, etc) ≈ 30% Quick Reaction & Other S&T ≈ 8% 1-2 years 2-4 years 4-8 years 5-20 years Narrow Broad Current Fleet/Force Fleet/Force in Development Future Fleet/Force Portfolio is balanced across near, mid, and long term S&T investments Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016 3
ONR S&T Programs Comparison
UNCLASSIFIED Discovery and Invention (D&I) Future Naval Capability (FNC) Quick Reaction (QR) Innovative Naval Prototype (INP) Focus Expanding frontiers of knowledge in areas of naval interest Transitioning mature S&T to acquisition program of record Solving emergent fleet / force needs Demonstrating Leap-Ahead technology Motivation General Naval needs and opportunities OPNAV/MCCDC-identified capability gap Fleet-identified need Significant military advantage Example Ocean Acoustics 38 MW Waterjet for LCS IED Jammer Electromagnetic Railgun Type of Innovation Disruptive or sustaining Sustaining - makes an existing capability better Disruptive - makes an existing capability obsolete Time frame Continuing 2-4 years 1-2 years 4-8 years Typical TRL entry point TRL 1 TRL 3 TRL 4 to TRL 5 TRL 2 to TRL 3 Typical TRL end point TRL 3 to TRL 4 TRL 6 TRL 7 Technical Difficulty High Medium Approval Level ONR Department Technology Oversight Group (3-Star) ONR Corporate Naval RDT&E Corporate Board Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016 4
New Capabilities Must Reach the Warfighter
UNCLASSIFIED FNC Program Established to align and partner the resource / requirements, acquisition and S&T communities to focus S&T development on priority Naval capabilities within the FYDP. The goal is to ensure more effective and rapid transition of new technological capabilities to acquisition and deployment. New Capabilities Must Reach the Warfighter to Make a Difference! Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Vector Sensor Towed Array
UNCLASSIFIED FNCs Leverage Basic Research to Deliver Mature Products to the Fleet/Force Basic Research (6.1, 6.2) ( ) FNC Product (6.2, 6.3) ( ) Acquisition POR (6.4, 6.5) (2016+) Piezo-Crystal Vector Sensor Without Orientation Sensors Devices with Internal Hydrophones Fat-line Analog Vector Sensor with External Orientation Sensors Reduced Diameter Vector Sensor 47-Element VSTA Demos A high gain, advanced development, thin line TB-29 array that: Enhances detectability of ultra-quiet submarines Enhances towed array reliability & affordability Obviates maneuvers to resolve bearing ambiguity PMS Submarine Acoustic Systems Program Office PEO IWS 5.0 – Undersea Systems Submarine Twin-Line Thin-Line Towed Array Tavg = 4 sec Relative Bearing (deg) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 45 55 60 65 70 Time (sec) Vector Sensor Result Conventional Result Bearing Ambiguity Obviated Vector Sensor Towed Array Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016 6
FNC Timeline POM-18 Example Timeline FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20
UNCLASSIFIED Timeline FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 Selection Process Jump Start / Pre-execution FNC S&T Development (RDT&E 6.2, 6.3) Post-S&T Maturation (RDT&E 6.4, 6.5, 6.7) Production / Deployment Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
UNCLASSIFIED FNC Pillars Capable Manpower (CMP) - Match Sailors and Marines to the right jobs and train for mission essential competencies Force Health Protection (FHP) - Protection by reducing morbidity and mortality when casualties occur Enterprise and Platform Enablers (EPE) - Cross-cutting technologies to lower costs Power & Energy (P&E) - Energy security, efficient power and energy systems, high energy and pulse power Sea Shield (SHD) - Missile defense, ASW, MIW and fleet/force protection technologies Sea Strike (STK) - Weapons, aircraft, and expeditionary warfare technologies Sea Basing (BAS) - Logistics, shipping, and at-sea transfer technologies FORCEnet (FNT) - C4ISR, networking, navigation, decision support and space technologies Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare (EMW) - Enhance the warfighting capabilities of naval ground forces Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
FNC Funding by Pillar (FY16)
FY16 Total $469M Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# Last Updated 28Oct15, RS Updated: 5 May 2016
Technology Oversight Group (TOG) and Integrated Product Teams (IPTs)
UNCLASSIFIED Technology Oversight Group (TOG) and Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) RDT&E Corporate Board UNDER VCNO ASN (RDA) ACMC N8 PMD-ASN (RDA) USFF CNR/N84 (Executive Secretary) TOG CD&I TOG Working Group 0-6/GS-15 Sea Strike Exp. Maneuver Warfare FORCENet Power & Energy Enterprise & Platform Enablers Sea Shield Force Health Protection Capable Manpower Sea Basing Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Stakeholder Roles & Responsibilities
UNCLASSIFIED Stakeholder Roles & Responsibilities Consistent among the TOG and the IPTs Resources/Requirements Navy and USMC reps Identify Technology Gaps Manage transition planning Prioritize new investments Fleet / Force Acquisition Assist in identification of Technology Gaps and requirements Advocate for Warfighter needs Engineer, integrate, and field S&T products for delivery to the Warfighter S&T Develop S&T solutions that address Technology Gaps Manage execution of S&T Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Selection of New Investments
UNCLASSIFIED Demand Signals Requirements S&T Response Technology Gaps Stakeholder Review New Start Proposals Jan-Apr Balance & Approval Apr-Oct Prioritization Nov-Dec Resourcing Thorough vetting of Naval requirements, technical merit and path to the Fleet/Force Collaborative involvement of all stakeholders 3-Star Naval leadership review and approval Final Rank Cut Line Established Jan-Feb Feb Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Technology Gaps Approved by the TOG
UNCLASSIFIED Technology Gaps Any capability required to achieve Naval objectives that: Requires an S&T solution to solve or overcome Defines the requirement but not the S&T solution Aligned with Navy and Marine Corps priorities Navy Mission Area Assessments, Marine Corps Gap List, and other demand signals IPTs identify S&T needs and generate Technology Gaps Stakeholders inputs solicited via annual Roundtable meetings Technology Gaps Approved by the TOG Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
External Stakeholders How to Engage
UNCLASSIFIED Attend IPT-led roundtables held in February and provide inputs to the Technology Gaps Coordinate with ONR Program Managers for proposal development during and after the Gap identification process Advocate for FNC proposals during the approval process Coordinate with IPT representatives to ensure interests are considered Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Technology Transition Agreement
UNCLASSIFIED Technology Transition Agreement ‘The fundamental tool for managing transition’ “Good-faith” FNC product-level agreement signed by the: S&T Sponsor (technical developer of the product) Acquisition PM (recipient of the product) Resource Sponsor (financier of the transition) Purpose Documents the plan to develop, deliver, and integrate an FNC into: Acquisition Program of Record (POR) Directly to the Fleet/Force or via an alternative transition path All Technology Products require TTAs: Each year before receiving S&T funding At the conclusion of the final year of S&T funding The TTA is developed and signed at the product level and plays a integral, critical role for any product. This is the document, or contract, that determines the exact exit criteria that must be demonstrated in order for the “handoff” from the S&T to the acquisition community to take place. It must be signed by the specific agents of those communities that will be responsible for the specific product, so that all are in agreement. The S&T agents are specifically stating what will be delivered, the requirements agents are certifying that the need for this product is consistent with the needs/requirements as defined by the OPNAV Naval Capabilities Development Process (NCDP), and the acquisition agents are stating their commitment to integrate the successfully demonstrated S&T products into an identified and funded acquisition program. Requirements agents are frequently also the acquisition resource sponsors. A requirements/resource sponsor sign-off on a TTA also serves as an indication that funding for the transition is available and aligned. Documents the Plan to Develop, Integrate and Deploy an FNC Product Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Transition Assessments (Ongoing products)
UNCLASSIFIED Transition Assessments (Ongoing products) Conducted annually by the Resource Sponsors in August, in coordination with stakeholders Assesses the transition status of all FNC Products in execution or about to start execution to ensure: The strategy is current and valid Planning is on track per the TTA Funding is aligned to ensure successful S&T integration and deployment to the Fleet and Force. Resource Sponsors identify issues and provide continue or terminate recommendations to the TOG 140 products reviewed in 2015 S&T Funds Recovered From Terminated Products Are Applied to Other FNC Priorities Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Transition vs. Deployment
UNCLASSIFIED Transition vs. Deployment Transition occurs when development and funding of a technology product shifts from ONR to an Acquisition PM (or other transition partner) with a viable plan to deliver the new technological capability to the Fleet/Force. while … Deployment occurs when the Acquisition PM delivers the technology product to the Warfighter, or the technology product reaches the Fleet and Force via an alternative transition path. Deploying New Capabilities Ensures the Warfighter Retains the Technological Advantage Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016 17
Transition Review Board (TRB) (Delivered Products)
UNCLASSIFIED Transition Review Board (TRB) (Delivered Products) Annual board staffed by Naval Reserve officers experienced in the requirements (OPNAV), acquisition (PEO/SYSCOM), and S&T communities (ONR) Provides an independent assessment of completed and delivered FNC Products to determine the transition and deployment status Transition occurs when development & funding of a technology product shifts from ONR to an acquisition PM or other transition partner Deployment occurs when the acquisition PM delivers the new technological capability to the Fleet/Force Results briefed to ONR managers, CNR, and senior naval leadership Provide insight into transition and deployment trends Inform FNC process refinements Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Of the Products that failed to deploy, further analysis showed:
TRB Results through 2015 5/30/2019 UNCLASSIFIED ONR delivered 88% of funded FNC Products (271 of 308) to Acquisition Of the 271 Products delivered through FY15: 38% Deployed 23% With Acquisition 39% Did Not Deploy Of the Products that failed to deploy, further analysis showed: FY06-FY15 PMO Continuity Requirements Changed 37 Products terminated before delivery Acquisition Strategy Significantly Modified 7% Dr. Lawrence Briefs 25% 18% 17% 33% Technology Lost in Acquisition Competition Technology did not meet TTA Exit Criteria Funded Products Delivered to Acquisition Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
Summary FNC program is governed by formal Business Rules
UNCLASSIFIED Summary FNC program is governed by formal Business Rules Responds to validated requirements (Technology Gaps) S&T proposals are selected by a collaborative process involving all stakeholders After proposals are approved, TTAs and annual transition assessments confirm stakeholder commitment After delivery, an independent board determines the transition and deployment status Formal FNC Business Rules document the organizational relationships and responsibilities of those involved in the FNC program. Headquarters - Marine Corps and OPNAV requirements and resource sponsor personnel lead the Naval Capabilities Development Process (NDCP) and are responsible for aligning funds to ensure approved FNC investments have valid transition paths with adequate acquisition program funding to engineer, integrate and deliver the Gap closing capabilities to the Fleet/Force. ONR is the technical program execution manager responsible for managing the development and delivery of required technologies as packaged into defined Enabling Capabilities with TOG approved EC deliverables, metrics and IPT negotiated product exit criteria and Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). Program Executive Officers, Direct Reporting Program Manages and System Commands, who manage acquisition programs, are responsible for integrating and fielding the technology deliverables into operational systems scheduled for delivery to the Fleet/Force. Fleet/Force personnel, the ultimate end users of the new capabilities, are tasked to engage throughout the process to identify, define and prioritize future naval capability requirements and ensure that planned technology transitions and acquisition program deliveries are optimally suited to warfighting needs. Requirements Driven – Transition Oriented Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
FNC Collaborative Website
UNCLASSIFIED FNC Collaborative Website FNC documentation is available to all stakeholders with SIPRNet access Business Rules General Information IPT Membership New Start Briefs Quad Charts Report on ONR Transition Programs Technology Gaps TOG Briefs Training Documents Transition Assessments Transition Statistics TTAs Once you receive your password and sign into the FNC Workspace you will arrive at the webpage that allows you to go to the FNC Workspace or Scientists at Sea. Choose the FNC Workspace. The FNC button gives an overview of the current executing program, FNC process chart and the FNC schedule. The IPT memberships can also be found on this page. This portion of the website can be browsed without a password. The FNC Collaborative Workspace is password protected and contains a multitude of data. - CNR Reviews ( ) - New Start Briefs ( ) – this is also the site where once ONR has approved the POM12 New Starts the IPTs will review the proposed new ECs. - Roundtable meetings include all briefs, Gaps, and attendance lists. - IPT Transition Assessments ( ) 2009 IPT Assessments will be placed on the site as soon as the site is back up and operational. - TOG Briefs and minutes can be found here as well as the IPT Charters, Business Rules, TTA responsibilities and the 3 and 5 year TCL charts. The FNC Annual Schedule and EC/Product Manager list can also be found here. - Technology Transition agreements are new to the site this year and have all been updated through the middle of September 2009. If you are a contractor, you will need a government sponsor Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
ONR FNC POCs FNC Government FNC Staff
UNCLASSIFIED ONR FNC POCs FNC Government Mike Meyers FNC Program Director Bob McGahern FNC Deputy Director FNC Staff Dale Hafer Steve Roberts Rich Holcomb Glen de Villafranca Jim Holt Bethany Miller Robert Sawyer Distribution D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only DCN# UNCLASSIFIED Updated: 5 May 2016
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