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Once signed, please hang up on the Bulletin Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Once signed, please hang up on the Bulletin Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Once signed, please hang up on the Bulletin Board.
Public International Treaty CIRCLE: Defensive Alliance Offensive Alliance Other This Treaty Establishes that the states of ___________________________________ will: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State #1 Representative’s Name Here : _________________________________ State #2 Representative’s Name Here : _________________________________ State #3 Representative’s Name Here : _________________________________ Date _________________________ Once signed, please hang up on the Bulletin Board.

2 Once signed, please keep in your team’s folder.
Private International Treaty CIRCLE: Defensive Alliance Offensive Alliance Other This Treaty Establishes that the states of ___________________________________ will: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State #1 Representative’s Name Here : _________________________________ State #2 Representative’s Name Here : _________________________________ State #3 Representative’s Name Here : _________________________________ Date _________________________ Once signed, please keep in your team’s folder.

3 Once signed, please keep in your team’s folder.
Trade Agreement ___________________ is giving ___________________ to ___________________________. State Name # and item State Name ___________________ is giving ____________________ to __________________________. State #1 Representative’s Name Here : _________________________________ State #2 Representative’s Name Here : _________________________________ Date _________________________ Once signed, please keep in your team’s folder.

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