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Get Prepared! Get a White Board Get a Rag

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Presentation on theme: "Get Prepared! Get a White Board Get a Rag"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Prepared! Get a White Board Get a Rag
Dry erase marker if you don’t have your own marker

2 Distinguishing Between Simple and Compound

3 Simple Sentences Simple sentences contains one independent clause (1 subject & 1 verb) and NO subordinate clauses. It may contain phrases. A good rain will help the farmers. Up for the rebound leaped Reggie.

4 Simple Sentences Simple Sentences can have compound subjects and verbs
The dog and the kitten lay there and napped. The dog ate the steak and drank water after its walk.

5 Compound Sentences A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses and NO subordinate clauses. The independent clauses are usually joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (FANBOY) They can also be joined by a semicolon or a semicolon + conjunctive adverb + comma (; however,)

6 Compound Sentences A variety of fruits and vegetables should be included in everyone’s diet, for they supply many important vitamins. No one was injured in the fire, but several homes were destroyed, and many trees burned down.

7 PRACTICE TIME Identify if the sentence is simple or compound

8 The Amazon River is located in South America and is one of the longest rivers in the world.

9 The Amazon begins in Peru, and it flows across Brazil to the Atlantic Ocean.

10 This river carries more water than any other river and drains about one fifth of the earth’s entire freshwater supply. Simple

11 The Amazon is actually a network of several rivers, but most people think of these combined rivers as only one river. Compound

12 These rivers drain the largest rainy area in the world, and during the flood season, the main river often overflows its banks. Compound

13 In the photo at the left, the Amazon does twist and curve.

14 Generally, it follows a fairly straight course and flows at an average rate of about one and one-half miles and hour during the dry season. Simple

15 The Amazon rain forest is only two hundred miles wide along the Atlantic, but it stretches to twelve hundred miles wide at the foot of the Andes Mountains in Peru. Compound

16 The variety of plant life in the Amazon rain forest is remarkable; in fact, of all rain forests in the world, this area may contain the greatest number of plant species. Compound

17 Raw materials are shipped directly from ports deep in the rain forest, for oceangoing ships can sail more than two thousand miles up the Amazon. Compound

18 STOP Time to Assess Your Knowledge Complete Glencoe pg 153/154

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