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Troy L. Burd, BSN, Rn, Cohn-s, Faaohn

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Presentation on theme: "Troy L. Burd, BSN, Rn, Cohn-s, Faaohn"— Presentation transcript:

1 Troy L. Burd, BSN, Rn, Cohn-s, Faaohn
Marketing Yourself! Troy L. Burd, BSN, Rn, Cohn-s, Faaohn

2 Objectives Review one campaign used to apply for 2018 NEAOHN Grant
Increase awareness of PAAOHN Grant availability

3 Key Components Recognize the special skills you bring to the table as an OHN Look for creative opportunities Injury Prevention Wellness Plan for measurement


5 SOS Goals Stop the immediate uptick in lost time shoulder injuries within the work force Increase awareness/knowledge of safe work practices Demonstrate an increased understanding of the correlation between shoulder anatomy and risk of injury

6 Program Development MOP to reflect goals DATE ACTIVITIES
GOAL/Instructions 9/12/2017 Roll Out - Wellness, Champions, CHSP & DSC wear SOS t-shirts to kick off SOS Campaign. Engage employees by making aware of numbers and severity of shoulder injuries. Create awareness and excitement for SOS Campaign Inside Video - Play Video # 1 (Introduction) at start of PCM Power Point (continuos loop)- Push, Pull, Reach Shoulder Quiz (be sure to use the No Answers Quiz) Collect and return to Troy Burd Guard Gate Activity: Print SOS Poster 1 and post at Guard Gate Educate work group on significance of shoulder injuries in the Mid Atlantic District 9/19/2017 Inside Video - Play Video # 2 -( Shoulder Anatomy) at start of PCM Demonstrate Shoulder Anatomy - Demonstration#2 Guard Gate Activity: Print SOS Poster 2 and post at Guard Gate Increase understanding of how the shoulder anatomy makes the shoulder an at risk body part 9/26/2017 Inside Video - Play Video # 3 (Tuck It - Football) - at start of PCM Demonstrate Tuck It - Demonstration # 3 Guard Gate Activity Print SOS Poster 3 and post at Guard Gate Reinforce the importance of Power Zone in keeping shoulders safe MOP to reflect goals

7 Options Policy and Procedure
NEAOHN Conference Grant Application Procedure  Purpose The purpose of the conference grant is to support NEAOHN members in their pursuit of professional growth and to foster participation within NEAOHN.  Marketing of NEAOHN Conference Grant Members are informed of the grant and the application process through the NEAOHN and state web sites, state newsletters and annual meetings. Eligibility Candidate must have developed or been a primary participant in a project or program developed or delivered within the last two (2) years that promoted health and safety in their workplace and/or promoted occupational health nursing. Candidate must be an active member in good standing in NEAOHN for at least one year. Current NEAOHN Officers and Board members are not eligible.

8 Procedure 1. Time period: Recipients attend the 2018 NEAOHN conference. 2. Deadline: Application and supporting material must be submitted no later than July 16, 2018 3. Application: Participants must: Complete Application form Complete Grant Abstract, double spaced, one inch margins in 12 point font Submit supporting material identified on the application form Present and/or display a poster presentation at the 2018 NEAOHN Conference 4. Selection: A minimum of 3 NEAOHN Conference Grant Selection Committee members representing 3 states will select the grant recipient(s). Application must achieve minimum score of 80% for grant consideration. Selection will be made within 2 weeks of submission deadline. (see NEAOHN Conference Grant Selection Policy and Procedure). 5. Grant: Four $ grants are offered to help defray the cost of attending the NEAOHN Annual Conference. For the year 2018, the grant will be applied to the NEAOHN Conference to be held October 3-5, 2018 in Galloway, New Jersey. 6. Notification: Recipients are notified in writing within 6 weeks of application deadline. 7. Presentation: Award to be presented at the 2018 NEAOHN Conference.

9 Application NEAOHN Conference Grant Application
Applicant Name: _Troy L. Burd, BSN, RN, COHN-S, FAAOHN___________________ Preferred Address: __449 Store Lane __________ __Port Royal, PA __________________________________ State Affiliation: _Pennsylvania _____________________________________ Program Title: __SOS (Save Our Shoulders)__________________________________ Date of submission: ___June 18, 2018____________________________

10 Project/Program Goal(s):
1. Stop the immediate uptick in lost time shoulder injuries within the work force 2. Increase awareness/knowledge of safe work practices 3. Demonstrate an increased understanding of the correlation between shoulder anatomy and risk of injury Rationale for Program: Program Description:

11 Program Description: Week 1: Roll Out - provide reason for the campaign/Pre-campaign quiz Week 2: Focus On Anatomy Week 3: Tuck It – keeping the shoulder in a neutral position Week 4: It’s Not the Load That Breaks You Down – focus on lifting/lowering/carrying Week 5: Back Pack Attack – importance of proper back pack use Week 6: Your Mother Called – focus on posture/Post-campaign quiz Samples of the posters and demonstrations are attached to the application. Local safety committees were responsible for delivery of the weekly message with the local Wellness Champion as the campaign chair. The Occupational Health Department spear headed the campaign however the SOS Campaign involved multiple levels of the work-force.

12 Program Conclusion: The SOS Campaign was 100% effective in achieving all set goals – stop the uptick in lost time shoulder injuries, increase work-force awareness/knowledge of safe work practices, and demonstrate an increased understanding of the correlation between shoulder anatomy and risk of injury. The SOS campaign provided a forum for engagement of all employees – management and non- management in the injury prevention process. Date Program Developed: Dates Program Delivered:

13 PAAOHN Awards/Grants Betty Mouldar Clinical Practice Award – recognizes nurse clinician who has demonstrated clinical practice excellence and innovation in occupational health nursing Dorothy Saller Outstanding Occupational Health Nurse Award – recognizes a nurse leader who has demonstrated outstanding service within their practice and chapter Certification Grants – awarded for COHN/CM certification and/or certification class; must provide proof Educational Grants Delaware Valley Philadelphia Chapter

14 Always be thinking – how can I get more mileage out of the work I am doing?
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