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Activity Water Used Freshwater is used in MANY ways

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Presentation on theme: "Activity Water Used Freshwater is used in MANY ways"— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity Water Used Freshwater is used in MANY ways
Using water Activity Water Used 1 toilet flush 1.5 gallons 1 shower 10 gallons Brushing teeth 2 gallons per minute To produce 1 ton of steel 75,000 gallons To make 1 car 90,000 gallons 1 pound of plastic 24 gallons 1 pound of cotton 1,320 gallons 1 cotton shirt 700 gallons 1 gallon of milk 880 gallons 1 pack of paper (500 sheets) 1,321 gallons 1 pound of chocolate 3,170 gallons 1 slice of bread 11 gallons Freshwater is used in MANY ways GW supplies most of this water


3 Water Health The health of a water system can be influenced by natural or synthetic causes When water is safe to drink, it is called potable water.

4 Threats to our water supply
Overuse – GW can be depleted faster than the recharge rate, causing the water table to drop Possible field trip to Western? Or ask Mark to come in and talk about Gas leak?

5 Water Pollution Ogallala Aquifer in the Great Plains provides freshwater for roughly 1/5 of the wheat, corn, cattle and cotton in the United States. But the aquifer is being depleted faster than they can be recharged by rain (see map). Possible field trip to Western? Or ask Mark to come in and talk about Gas leak?

6 Threats to our water supply
Subsidence – the sinking of land above an aquifer (caused by excessive GW withdrawal) Possible field trip to Western? Or ask Mark to come in and talk about Gas leak?

7 Threats to our water supply
Pollution – the most easily polluted GW sources are unconfined aquifers (confined aquifers are protected by impermeable rock) Most common causes of pollution: Sewage Industrial waste Landfills Agricultural chemical Naturally occurring Salt/Radon Possible field trip to Western? Or ask Mark to come in and talk about Gas leak?

8 Threats to our water supply
Pollutants that occur upstream can affect all inhabitants that share the same watershed Possible field trip to Western? Or ask Mark to come in and talk about Gas leak?

9 Threats to our water supply
Saltwater Intrusion – freshwater aquifers are contaminated with salt water Occurs in coastal areas naturally or through overuse of wells Possible field trip to Western? Or ask Mark to come in and talk about Gas leak?

10 Types of Pollution Pollution that comes from 1 specific site is called point-source pollution 1 car in the parking lot Emissions from industrial plant Nonpoint-source pollution is pollution that comes from many sources A parking lot full of cars Urban runoff Construction Forestry Go outside and show examples HARDEST TO CONTROL

11 Possible field trip to Western
Possible field trip to Western? Or ask Mark to come in and talk about Gas leak?

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