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CSF Citizens’ On Line Information System

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1 CSF Citizens’ On Line Information System
Co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme ‘’Technical Assistance ’’

2 The CSF Citizens’ Online Information System was created mainly to ensure wider dissemination of funding opportunities existing under the Community Support Framework. It also aimed to inform potential applicants on procedures that need to be followed in their funding requests. The overall design and development of the webpage was undertaken by the Management Organisation Unit (MOU) of the CSF. Since December 2004, the site is fully operational with MOU having also the responsibility of updating/servicing the page. The website aggregates under a single platform (database) all programmes and actions of direct interest to the general public, for which an invitation to tender has been issued by a competent authority (also by a so-called “final beneficiary”) in the framework of the 3rd CSF and the Community Initiatives. The website provides accurate and simple information (in Greek): To Individuals - regarding financial support schemes, employment schemes, social support schemes, education / training etc. To Enterprises - Entrepreneurs - for financial support schemes, employment aid, personnel training programmes etc. To other Bodies (educational & research institutions, NGOs, etc.) - for financial support schemes, employment aid, personnel training programmes. A number of schemes offer financial assistance to specific business projects and/or grants for innovation, research and technology, while others offer free or subsidised services ranging from advice and social support to training and employment aid. While the majority of such schemes are available nation-wide, some are also offered locally. In addition, the website announces programmes which are expected to be launched in the near future.

3 Characteristics of the website
For the first time in Greece all schemes co-financed by Operational Programmes of the Community Support Framework and Community Initiatives are available to the public under a single platform; Search for possible grants and other support schemes is simple, user-friendly and follows a step-by-step process; Links to web sites of the relevant authorities which are responsible for the implementation of each programme are also available for further consultation; The site follows the Worldwide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines; Registered users can receive automatic alerts on particular new entries or changes according to their interest (newsletter); Users can contact the project team maintaining the site for further enquiries. Users are given several search options; they can browse either: by attribute (individual, enterprise, academic institution, NGO etc) and type of required support (financial aid, employment, education and training); by financial or social sector of interest (tourism, rural development, research & technology, etc); by special target group (such as women, farmers, etc); by operational programme; by key word (advanced search).

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