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Where did you get your information for your research?

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Presentation on theme: "Where did you get your information for your research?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where did you get your information for your research?
Middle Years Information your teacher wants!!!

2 What’s a bibliography? A bibliography is a list of your resources that your used to get information. Technically, according to World Book Online, a bibliography refers to print material only. Other terms used are References, Works Cited, Sources Cited, Literature Cited.

3 Why do I need to cite my sources?
To document your sources and give credit to the authors, or people you used for your research. It is the right and legal thing to do – LICT! It’s part of being an ethical user of information.

4 When and where do I do this?
Your references should be cited at the end of your research paper. When? It’s a good idea to do it as you go, so you are not overwhelmed doing it all at the end. Keep track of all your sources – books, internet sites and dates, articles, etc.

5 How do I write a “bibliography” or Works Cited”?
Most schools use a format called MLA MLA stands for Modern Language Association There are different ways of recording your information depending on what your source is (books, encyclopedias, newspaper, article, , interview, internet, etc.)

6 Sample websites of MLA bibliographies
Long Island University Library - Colour-coded sample ( ) Middle school sample

7 Citation Machine This is a website that helps you make your bibliography. You need to spell items correctly and enter correct information so that your bibliography is correct.

8 Works Cited Delaney, Robert. MLA Citation Style. B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library Dec How to Make a Sample Bibliography, Dec

9 Creator Created by V. Fogarty Teacher Librarian Chancellor School 2008

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