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FBLA Nationals San Antonio, Texas

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Presentation on theme: "FBLA Nationals San Antonio, Texas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents, please sign in on the Clipboard & take a copy of each paper in the front

2 FBLA Nationals San Antonio, Texas
June 28 – July 3 San Antonio, Texas

3 What to Bring Money Swim Suit Clothing Photo ID Meals each day
Souvenirs Six Flags/River Walk Swim Suit Appropriate for FBLA dress code! Clothing Pajamas/shorts Appropriate dress attire Casual clothes for appropriate times Photo ID Will need for airports

4 FBLA Dress Code Name badges must be worn at all conference functions
Gentlemen Business suit w/ collared dress shirt & tie Sport coat, dress slacks, collared shirt & tie Dress slacks, collared shirt & tie Dress socks and shoes Ladies Business suit w/ blouse Business pantsuit w/ blouse Skirt or dress slacks with blouse or sweater Business dress Dress shoes (not casual sandals) Nylons Skirts should be an appropriate length (to the knee or longer) You will be disqualified for inappropriate dress that does not meet the dress code!

5 Expectations Students will act in a professional, respectable manner at all times No drugs, alcohol, sex, making out, no PDA, etc. No members of the opposite sex in hotel rooms Students should always be with another member of our club If opposite sex, a group of 3 is required Students should never be alone (except when competing individually)! Hotel room River Walk Etc Students will either be at the conference center, hotel, or River Walk Students may not ride in a vehicle or take public transportation! No taxi, train, uber, etc… If any violation of these or other non-appropriate actions are exhibited, students will be excused from the competition and parents will be called

6 Rishab – National Office
Rishab is running for National Office I want every student going on this trip to help Rishab for a minimum of 1 hour

7 Adviser/Chaperone Check-Ins
Students will be divided among the 3 chaperones/advisers Students will be EXPECTED and REQUIRED to check in at 4 different times throughout the day with their assigned adult 10:00 am 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 8:00 pm Rooms will be checked at curfew (midnight) each night Only assigned students should be in the room No boys in girls rooms / No girls in boys rooms If check-ins do not happen, parents will be called and expected to pick up their student immediately – yes, even in Texas!

8 Phone Location tracker
With parent approval we would like students that have phones to have a location tracker app on their phone. Android Phones Life360 APP iPhones Find My Friends

9 Hotel Information Menger Hotel 204 Alamo Plaza San Antonio, TX 78205
Outdoor Pool No Mini Fridge or Microwave 3 Minute walk to River Walk

10 Hotel Information Alamo

11 Flight Information – Southwest Airlines
June 27th Ms. Eckley will be leaving for San Antonio with Rishab and Rishab’s Father. June 28th 9:30am - Meet at Airport - Ms. Wilson and Mr. Leininger will be flying with main group. 12:00pm - Flight 1816 departs 12:35pm – Flight 1816 arrives in Phoenix 3:00pm – Flight 653 departs 7:15pm – Flight 653 arrives in San Antonio Pick up luggage and take bus to hotel July 3rd 1:00pm – Leave Menger Hotel for Airport 3:40pm – Flight 2455 departs (makes a 40 minutes stop in Las Vegas – no plane change) 7:35pm – Flight 2455 arrives in Salt Lake City

12 Itinerary Leave Friday, June 28th from Salt Lake International Airport
Meet at airport ticket counter at 9:30 a.m. – DO NOT BE LATE! Saturday afternoon (11:30am)– Team Casa Rio Paid for by FBLA Club up to $15 per person Saturday, June 29th 12:15 p.m. – Competitive Events start 7:00 p.m. – Opening Session – MUST ATTEND Sunday, June 30th 8:00am – 5:30pm – Competitive Events 5:30pm – Regional Rally – MUST ATTEND

13 Itinerary Continued Monday, July 1st
8:00am – 5:30pm – Competitive Events Tuesday, July 2nd 7:45am – 8:45am – Regional Voting 10:00am – 11:00am – March of Dimes Mini March for Babies 10:00am – 4:00pm - Six Flags (Optional) 6:00pm – 9:00pm – Awards of Excellence Program Wednesday, July 3rd 1:00pm – Leave Menger Hotel for Airport 3:40pm – Flight 2455 departs (makes a 40 minutes stop in Las Vegas – no plane change) 7:35pm – Flight 2455 arrives in Salt Lake City

14 Trip Cost Costs Hotel 375 State Fee 50 National Registration 120
Flight 590 Ground Transportation Total $1185 Optional – Six Flags 35 Optional – Six Flags Transport 20

15 Fundraiser Information
World’s Finest Chocolate Candy Bars Students will earn $.50 for each candy bar sold Candy bars sell for $1 each Should have candy by April 22nd All monies (receipts) from candy sales due to me by May 3th When turning money into the office, specify FBLA Nats Fundraiser Bring receipt to me and any chocolate not sold

16 Important Dates 04/08/2019 Non-Refundable Deposit was due 04/24/2019
1st Half of Remaining balance due 05/03/2019 Fundraiser money (receipts) due to Ms. Eckley 05/08/2019 Remaining balance due! No later!

17 Contact Info Rachel Eckley – Advisor Brynn Wilson – Chaperone Matt Leininger – Chaperone

18 Parent survey Login to the computer
Go to nationals.html Scroll down until you see the forms sections Click on Parent Survey Answer questions.

19 Before You Leave Tonight!
Make sure you’ve signed in on the clipboard Turn in all of your NOTARIZED paper work to Ms. Eckley.

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