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Scientific research in the university library using the catalogue

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2 Scientific research in the university library using the catalogue
Campus Mönchengladbach Introduction to the library | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

3 DigiBib: Catalogue Lists all printed and digital items of all branches of the university library in Mönchengladbach and Krefeld Types of literature to be found: Printed books/Ebooks Printed Journals/Ejournals Theses Not listed: articles included in books or journals (->use databases, for example TOGA) Additional features: Reservation of books currently on loan Order books from other branches of the library Administration of your account (list of borrowed media, renew loan periods, change of personal details as e.g. password, adding additional adress) | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

4 DigiBib: Catalogue More offers: Searching for literature
Interlibrary loan, order books from other libraries (fee-based) Research in databases (literature, law, technical regulations such as DIN standards) | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

5 DigiBib: Catalogue Der Zugriff auf unseren Katalog ist aus dem Hochschulnetz und von Zuhause aus möglich Internetadresse: Dann oben in der Mitte auf den Button „DigiBib“ klicken Der Katalog ermöglicht Literaturrecherchen Über den Katalog können die Leihfristen der ausgeliehene Bücher verlängert werden | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

6 DigiBib: Catalogue - Login
to order books from other branches to make a reservation for books currently on loan to use interlibrary loan to access your account (books currently on loan, extension of loan periods, change of personal details e.g. address) | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

7 DigiBib: Catalogue – Simple search
weaving | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

8 DigiBib: Catalogue – Advanced search
| Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

9 DigiBib: Catalogue – Book: full display
Important: shelfmark and branch information | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

10 DigiBib: Catalogue – Book: in the shelf
Shelfmark contains subject group and first letters of author/title | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

11 DigiBib: Catalogue – Results: how to get your literature
Status: loanable > in the shelf in your local branch not for loan -> in the shelf in your local branch, yellow label available for order -> loanable in another branch of the university library, place order to loan it in your local branch loaned -> reservation if needed location „Labor…“ -> contact the staff member noted, only local access, not for loan location „Semesterapparat“ -> course reserve collection, in MG 4th floor, not for loan, only local access | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

12 DigiBib: Catalogue – Reservation/Order
Login with your user id and password (default: date of birth ddmmyy) Search for certain title Please check your account regularly The library staff will contact you as soon as your literature arrives. | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

13 DigiBib: Catalogue - EBook
| Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

14 DigiBib: Catalogue - EBook
| Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

15 DigiBib: Catalogue – Search for journals
Refine search with filters | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

16 DigiBib: Catalogue – Printed journals: full display
| Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

17 DigiBib: Catalogue – Printed journal: in the shelf
Bound volumes Current issue | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

18 DigiBib: Catalogue - EJournal
Link | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

19 DigiBib: Catalogue - EJournal
| Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

20 DigiBib: Catalogue - More
Offer of articles, specialist information and electronic full texts Licensed offers are freely accessible | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

21 DigiBib: Catalogue – More
filter: to reduce large amounts of hits | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

22 DigiBib: Inter-Library Loan (ILL)
borrow books from other libraries or get a copy of a book chapter or journal article fee: € 1,50 please notice terms and conditions | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

23 DigiBib: Account/Renewals
Books currently on loan, extension of loan period, … | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |

24 Copyright Dipl. Bibl. Regina Albrecht Richard-Wagner-Str. 140
41065 Mönchengladbach Phone 02161/ | Introduction to the library | Regina Albrecht | Catalogue |


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