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The national parks of Canada. © Synkova Julia Form 8B Izmaylovskaya Gymnasium 1508 Moscow.

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1 The national parks of Canada. © Synkova Julia Form 8B Izmaylovskaya Gymnasium 1508 Moscow

2 Unknown words for you. Heritage - наследие. Heritage - наследие. Includes - включает Includes - включает Young caribou - молодой олень Young caribou - молодой олень Seeks – ищет Seeks – ищет Established – создан Established – создан largest herd of free Wood Bison - наибольшее стадо свободного лесного Бизона largest herd of free Wood Bison - наибольшее стадо свободного лесного Бизона Estimated – предполагаемый Estimated – предполагаемый nesting site - место гнездования nesting site - место гнездования karst sinkholes - карстовая воронка karst sinkholes - карстовая воронка Moose – лось Moose – лось Lynx – рысь Lynx – рысь sandhill crane – канадский журавль sandhill crane – канадский журавль Inland – внутренний Inland – внутренний

3 Gros Morne National Park. Gros Morne National Park is a world heritage site located on the west coast of Newfoundland. It is the second largest national park in Atlantic Canada. Gros Morne National Park is a world heritage site located on the west coast of Newfoundland. It is the second largest national park in Atlantic Canada.

4 Fundy National Park. Fundy National Park is located on the Bay of Fundy, the village site being Alma, New Brunswick. It includes both seashore and Acadian coastal forests. Fundy National Park is located on the Bay of Fundy, the village site being Alma, New Brunswick. It includes both seashore and Acadian coastal forests.

5 Tuktut Nogait National Park. Tuktut Nogait National Park is a n n n n n aaaa tttt iiii oooo nnnn aaaa llll p p p p aaaa rrrr kkkk located in the NNNN oooo rrrr tttt hhhh wwww eeee ssss tttt T T T T eeee rrrr rrrr iiii tttt oooo rrrr iiii eeee ssss of CCCC aaaa nnnn aaaa dddd aaaa. Meaning "young cccc aaaa rrrr iiii bbbb oooo uuuu" in I I I I I nnnn uuuu vvvv iiii aaaa llll uuuu kkkk tttt uuuu nnnn, the park contains many herds of caribou. However, it is also the home to other w w w w w iiii llll dddd llll iiii ffff eeee species, such as M M M M M uuuu ssss kkkk O O O O xxxx, G G G G G rrrr iiii zzzz zzzz llll yyyy B B B B eeee aaaa rrrr ssssand the G G G G G rrrr eeee yyyy W W W W oooo llll ffff.

6 Fathom Five National Marine. Fathom Five National Marine Park is a largely underwater national park in Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada that seeks to protect and display shipwrecks and lighthouses. The many shipwrecks make the park a popular scuba diving destination, and glass bottom boat tours leave Tobermory, Ontario regularly, allowing tourists to see the shipwrecks without having to get wet. Fathom Five National Marine Park is a largely underwater national park in Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada that seeks to protect and display shipwrecks and lighthouses. The many shipwrecks make the park a popular scuba diving destination, and glass bottom boat tours leave Tobermory, Ontario regularly, allowing tourists to see the shipwrecks without having to get wet.

7 Jasper National Park. Jasper National Park is the largest national park in the Canadian Rockies. The park includes the glaciers of the Columbia Icefield, hot springs, lakes, waterfalls and, of course, mountains. Wildlife in the park includes mountain goat, bighorn sheep, grizzly bear, black bear, beaver, gray wolf.

8 Wood Buffalo National Park. Wood Buffalo National Park, located in northeastern Alberta and southern Northwest Territories, is the largest national park in Canada. The park was established in 1922 to protect the world's largest herd of free roaming Wood Bison, currently estimated at more than 5,000. It is the only known nesting site of whooping cranes. Wood Buffalo National Park, located in northeastern Alberta and southern Northwest Territories, is the largest national park in Canada. The park was established in 1922 to protect the world's largest herd of free roaming Wood Bison, currently estimated at more than 5,000. It is the only known nesting site of whooping cranes.

9 Wood Buffalo National Park. The park contains one of the world's largest fresh water deltas, the Peace-Athabasca Delta, formed by the Peace, Athabasca and Slave Rivers. It is also known for its karst sinkholes on the Northwest Territory side. The national park is also located directly north of the Athabasca Oil Sands. The park contains one of the world's largest fresh water deltas, the Peace-Athabasca Delta, formed by the Peace, Athabasca and Slave Rivers. It is also known for its karst sinkholes on the Northwest Territory side. The national park is also located directly north of the Athabasca Oil Sands.

10 Wood Buffalo National Park. Conservation. Wood Buffalo National Park contains a large variety of wildlife species, such as moose, black bear, wolf, lynx, brown bear, snowshoe hare, sandhill crane, Wood Buffalo, ruffed grouse, and the garter snake, which form famous communal dens within the park.











21 Wood Buffalo National Park. In 1983.

22 Thank you for your attention.

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