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Development Code Overhaul

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Presentation on theme: "Development Code Overhaul"— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Code Overhaul
Ordinance Updates Overview 5/19/2019 Development Code Overhaul Joint Workshop #1 City Council Presentation for 3/18/19

2 Agenda Input To Date Preliminary Direction Recap Next Steps
Format and Organization Overlay Districts Variances and Delegation of Authority Parking Infill and Redevelopment Recap Next Steps

3 Input To Date

4 Sources of Input Kick-Off Session with staff (12/20/18)
Focus Group Sessions (1/24/19) Future Developers (6 Attendees) Current Developers (6 Attendees) Design Professionals (9 Attendees) Community Leaders (6 Attendees) Code Review Committee (CRC) Diagnostic Meetings Diagnostic Meeting #1 – Consolidated Reorganized Zoning Ordinance (1/31/19) Diagnostic Meeting #2 – Additional Topics (2/5/19)

5 Common Themes Expressed
Ordinances are antiquated – typically ask for variances PD’s should be allowed on small sites – no minimum size for PD’s would help facilitate infill and redevelopment Need to update materials list – there are many great new materials that are allowed in other communities but not in Lewisville Overlay districts should be incorporated into the new code A template for new overlay districts should be developed

6 Common Themes Expressed
There is an interest in looking at reducing parking requirements Need examples of how other communities addressing and regulating drop off locations for mobility services (Lyft, Uber, etc) Screening requirements are complicated and inconsistent

7 Preliminary Direction

8 Preliminary Direction – Approach
Focus on key topics Consultant team will: Explain the issue Summarize our preliminary recommendation Highlight expected benefits Provide examples or illustrations as needed Questions will direct the facilitated discussion for Council and P&Z members Objective: preliminary direction so the team can focus research and drafting appropriately

9 Topic 1: Format and Organization

10 Topic 1 – Format and Organization
Recommendation – prepare a “Unified Development Code” that brings all zoning and land development regulations into one consolidated document Benefits – easier to use and find information for both staff and developers, eliminate duplication and conflicting requirements, combine all procedural requirements Use more charts, tables and graphics to better illustrate requirements and modernize appearance of ordinance

11 Topic 1: Format and Organization

12 Topic 1: Format and Organization

13 Topic 1: Format and Organization

14 Direction – Format and Organization
Should the code overhaul create a “Unified Development Code” that brings all zoning and land development regulations into one consolidated document?

15 Topic 2: Overlay Districts

16 Topic 2 – Overlay Districts
Recommendation – include all overlay districts, including the Old Town District, in the Unified Development Code Benefits -- all needed information in one place, sets up the ordinance to accommodate future overlay districts that the city may create (ex. Round Grove Road Overlay), creates a template for future overlay districts Old Town Ordinance will be incorporated but reformatted to eliminate current overlap of requirements that can be found in other sections of the ordinance

17 Current Lewisville Overlay Districts
Old Town Design District I-35 Overlay Core Districts I-35 Overlay Transition Districts

18 Potential Future Overlay Districts
Old Town North Old Town North Overlay Cowan Creative Mix Overlay Old Town Commercial Overlay Southwest Lewisville 3040 Overlay (Round Grove Corridor)

19 Direction – Overlay Districts
Should all the overlay districts, including the Old Town District, be included in the new Unified Development Code?

20 Topic 3: Variances (Administrative Modification) and Delegation of Authority

21 Topic 3 – Variances and Delegation of Authority
Recommendation – restructure variance authority to streamline process yet still maintain proper level of oversight. Benefits – shorten development process, allow routine and frequent variance requests to be handled by staff, create an appeal process for applicants Use I-35E Overlay District as a guide Difference between zoning and subdivision ordinance variances and waivers Examples of variances that might be delegated to staff

22 Potential Process Driveway Spacing (City Engineer Approves Variance)
IH 35 Overlay Process - Example

23 Direction – Variances and Delegation of Authority
Should variance authority be restructured? Can routine and frequent variance requests be handled by staff? Should there be an appeal process for staff denials? Is the I-35E Overlay District a good guide for an approach that streamlines process yet still maintains proper level of oversight?

24 Topic 4: Parking

25 Topic 4: Parking Recommendation – reduce most parking requirements, provide shared parking opportunities, disincentives to pave too much land and provisions to address new forms of transportation Benefits – free up land for new development and redevelopment, align with market requirements, reduce impervious surfaces, recognize new and alternative modes of transportation Examples -- require more landscaping if parking exceeds minimum requirements, use of permeable paving, provide drop-off areas for shared ride services

26 Retail Parking Comparison

27 Direction: Parking What factors are most important to consider in updating parking requirements? Reduce to more typical current levels? Make it easier to use shared parking? Reduce amount of paved area? Facilitate new forms of transportation? Anticipate reuse of current parking? Other factors?

28 Topic 5: Infill and Redevelopment

29 Topic 5: Infill and Redevelopment
Recommendation – facilitate infill and redevelopment by streamlining procedures and requirements and promoting appropriate development Benefits – put undeveloped and underutilized properties to more productive use, accommodate demand for new and different types of housing, promote distinctive nodes and gateways, maintain tax base Address barriers to infill and redevelopment such as setbacks, parking requirements, lot coverage, ROW requirements and utility upgrades Determine what level of development or change should trigger bringing entire site up to current standards and require a full engineering site plan Develop options that can be applied to encourage appropriate development

30 Infill and Redevelopment Examples

31 Direction: Infill and Redevelopment
What changes will best facilitate infill and redevelopment? Streamlining procedures? Expanding potentially allowable uses? Allowing PD’s on parcels under five acres? Addressing barriers such as setbacks, parking requirements, lot coverage, ROW requirements and utility upgrades? Allowing a certain degree of redevelopment or change without triggering full engineering site plan & compliance with current requirements? Other changes?

32 Recap

33 Direction: Other Topics
Are there other aspects of the zoning and land development code for which Council and P&Z wish to provide direction at this time?

34 Next Steps

35 Next Steps CRC Diagnostic Meeting #3 – Zoning Ordinance – 4/2/19
Begin Preparation of Draft Zoning Ordinance CRC Meeting #4 - Draft Ordinance Review – 7/25/19 Community Open House and Online Input – Draft Ordinance – September/October 2019 Zoning Ordinance Public Hearings Planning And Zoning Commission – 11/19/19 and 12/3/19 City Council – 12/16/19 and 1/6/20

36 Development Code Overhaul
Ordinance Updates Overview 5/19/2019 Development Code Overhaul Joint Workshop #1 City Council Presentation for 3/18/19

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