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Respiratory System.

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1 Respiratory System

2 Organs of the Respiratory System
Nose (external nares) Nasal cavity Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi (and their smaller branches) Lungs (alveoli Muscles ? (diaphragm and intercostals)



5 Nose Airway Moistens and warms air Filters and cleans inspired air
Resonating chamber for speech Houses olfactory receptors Septum divides into 2 nares

6 Pharynx (throat) Air tube Naso, oro, laryngopharynx
Hyaline cartilage holds it open Skeletal muscle

7 Larynx Voice box (vocal cords) Open airway
Switching mechanism to rout food and air to their proper channels Thyroid cartilages (Adam’s apple)

8 Trachea (windpipe) Epiglottis: cartilage flap
Glottis: opening to trachea

9 Bronchi Branching air tubes to the lungs Bronchioles: tiniest

10 Bronchioles

11 Alveoli: Air sacs for gas exchange

12 Lungs Paired Pleura: double layered serosa
Alveoli: microscopic sacs for gas exchange

13 Respiratory Physiology
2 phases 1. inspiration: air flows into lungs 2. expiration: air flows out of lungs Intrapulmonary/intrapleural pressure keeps alveoli open






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