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Walk Two Moons Ch. 1-3 Vocabulary

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1 Walk Two Moons Ch. 1-3 Vocabulary
Chapter peculiar * restoring chisel * Chapter ornery * suspend * lunatic eager * yarn extensively * filly salamander Chapter 3 12. approximately 13. devour* 14. conditioner 15. omnipotent* 16. tumor 17. scads 18. dignified* defiance* trait

2 peculiar pe⋅cu⋅liar [pi-kyool-yer]
1.strange; queer; odd: peculiar happenings. 2.uncommon; unusual: the peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats.

3 2. restoring re⋅stor-ing [ri-stawr, -stohr]
verb to put back to a former place, or to a former position, rank, etc.: restoring peace to the kingdom.

4 3. chisel chis⋅el [chiz-uh l]
noun a wedge like tool with a cutting edge at the end of the blade, often made of steel, used for cutting or shaping wood, stone, etc.

5 ornery or⋅ner⋅y awr-nuh-ree]
adjective, - 1.ugly and unpleasant in disposition or temper: No one can get along with my ornery cousin. 2.stubborn: I can't do a thing with that ornery mule. 3.inferior or common; ordinary

6 suspend sus⋅pend [suh-spend]
–verb to stop for a period of time; interrupt to cause to cease for a time from operation or effect.

7 lunatic lu⋅na⋅tic [loo-nuh-tik]
–noun insane person. 2.a person whose actions and manner are marked by extreme eccentricity or recklessness. –adjective 3.insane; demented; crazy

8 eager * ea⋅ger [ee-ger]
–adjective enthusiastic interest or desire I am eager for news about them.

9 yarn verb - to spin a yarn; tell stories.

10 extensively * ex⋅ten⋅sive- ly [ik-sten-sive-ly
–adjective 1.of great extent; wide; broad: an extensive area. 2.covering or extending over a great area: extensive travels. 3.far-reaching; comprehensive; thorough: extensive knowledge. 4.lengthy: an extensive journey.

11 10. filly fil·ly   (fĭl'ē)  noun A young female horse. Informal A lively, high-spirited girl or young woman.

12 11. salamander sal⋅a⋅man⋅der [sal-uh-man-der ]
–noun a small lizard like amphibian having a soft, moist, scaleless skin, typically aquatic.

13 Approximately ap⋅prox⋅i⋅mate-ly [ uh-prok-suh-mit-ly
adverb nearly exact or accurate

14 devour* de⋅vour [di-vour]
–verb swallow or eat up hungrily and greedily.

15 conditioner con⋅di⋅tion⋅er [kuh n-dish-uh-ner]
 –noun a cream or liquid used to reconstruct damaged hair.

16 omnipotent* om⋅nip⋅o⋅tent [om-nip-uh-tuh nt]
 –adjective 1.having very great or unlimited authority or power.

17 tumor [too-mer] tu⋅mor
noun 1. an abnormal swelling.

18 1.a great number or quantity: scads of money.
scads [skad] –noun 1.a great number or quantity: scads of money.

19 Dignified dig⋅ni⋅fied [dig-nuh-fahyd]–
–adjective characterized or marked by dignity or nobility; stately: dignified conduct.

20 defiance* de⋅fi⋅ance [di-fahy-uh ns]
–noun a daring or bold resistance to authority or to any opposing force.

21 Trait [treyt]– noun a distinguishing characteristic or quality, esp. of one's personal nature: bad traits of character.

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