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2019 INNOVATION ACCELERATOR Presentation Slide Template

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Presentation on theme: "2019 INNOVATION ACCELERATOR Presentation Slide Template"— Presentation transcript:

1 2019 INNOVATION ACCELERATOR Presentation Slide Template

2 Project – From Pitch to Proposal
This slide is a reminder of the information your presentation should incorporate. Business Plan Business Opportunity / Business Case Market analysis / Research Stakeholders (Customers / Suppliers / Partners / Collaborators / Sponsors) Implementation Plan The Sale: Investment / Resources / Time / Support Considerations: Safety, Legal, HR, Financial (Does it pass the smell test?)

3 Project Charter (key project information)
Project Name: Project Sponsor: (which senior leader in the system can best help get your project implemented) Project Team members: (List all members o f your current team) Problem Statement: (Very brief description of the problem you are trying to solve) Key Measure of Success: (SMART Goal for your project, how will define success in the end) Scope: (What does this project include, and what does it exclude, assure you focus on just what is needed for the success of this idea)

4 Our customers are telling us….
Market Analysis What information do you know from your customers / patients? What research did you do?

5 We have a great solution because…
Tell the Story Use as many slides as needed to tell your story, but remember, your only have 5 minutes. Make sure you include: The context and environment of the current situation Why your innovation / intervention / idea will make an impact and, therefore, should be implemented What the results / benefits / outcomes will be once your idea is implemented

6 This idea wil work because…
Implementation Resources needed Location / area Implementation timeline Explain HOW your idea will be implemented and what is needed to make it successful

7 ImplementationTeam Information
Team Member Role Name Team Leader Other Key Stakeholders * List your current team members for this presentation

8 We have checked the boxes
We have verified with… We have checked the boxes HR Potential barriers: - OR - Green Light Legal Patient Safety Potential barriers: - OR - Green Light Finance Make sure you have cleared your idea with these groups. Explain if there are any concerns.

9 The financial justification is…
This is an active Excel file. DoubleClick within a cell to activate. Detailed instructions are on the handout.

10 Summary Summary Closing Thoughts / Comments And in Conclusion…
Make sure to wrap up your presentation with a summary so the judges understand how implementing your idea will make CoxHealth better.

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