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Quarterly reporting 2nd quarter 2018/19 Risenga Maluleke.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarterly reporting 2nd quarter 2018/19 Risenga Maluleke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarterly reporting 2nd quarter 2018/19 Risenga Maluleke

2 Organisational scorecard: Q1
Progress against annual targets 18% 80% 2% Achieved On track Delayed 22% 15% 1,2% 41% Staff with disability Women in SMS Expenditure Vacancy rate 1

3 Organisational performance: Q2
Progress against annual targets 38% 60% 2,3% Achieved On track Delayed 46% 16% 1,4% 41% Women in SMS Expenditure Vacancy rate Staff with disability 2

4 Organisational performance: Q2
Progress against quarter 2 targets 5% 93% Achieved as scheduled Delayed 3

5 Organisational performance: Q2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 4

6 Organisational performance: Q2
Filled posts per race group as at 30 September 2018 Filled posts per gender as at 30 September 2018 5

7 Organisational performance: Q2

8 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q2
Informing a nation Expand the statistical information base Published 64 statistical releases and reports on the economy and society Commenced with Census of Commercial Agriculture (CoCA) Released statistical report on 2nd KZN Customer Satisfaction Survey (using digital data collection methodology) on 24 August 2018 Compiled 2018 Poverty Lines in July 2018 Published GHS Environment report (focusing on solid waste services and recycling) Published report on Gender series: Economic empowerment 7

9 Census of Commercial Agriculture
MoU Signed between Stats SA and DAFF Stats SA will conduct the national survey DAFF will develop Farmers’ Register Stakeholder consultations conducted across the country Partnerships established with agriculture unions National call for support of CoCA Tests conducted and concluded in September 2018 Data collection commenced in October 2018 Reference period: 2017 8

10 KZN Citizen Satisfaction Survey
Rankings of provincial priorities Priority 1: Job Creation Priority 3: Fight Corruption Majority of the KZN citizens ranked job creation as their top priority, followed by provision of housing and fighting corruption. Priority 2: Provision of housing Multiple Response Question 9

11 KZN Citizen Satisfaction Survey
Outright Satisfaction Outright Dissatisfaction Level of Outright Dissatisfaction Level of Outright Satisfaction 10

12 KZN Citizen Satisfaction Survey
Ratings of performance of provincial government in specific areas 12

13 KZN Citizen Satisfaction Survey
Municipal services and programmes viewed as very important vs the level of outright satisfaction (top six) Outright Satisfaction Viewed as Very Important MUNICIPAL CLINIC SERVICES SHOW THE SMALLEST GAP BETWEEN OUTRIGHT SATISFIED AND SERVICES VIEWED AS VERY IMPORTANT * * *Outright agree 13

14 Poverty headcounts based on the LBPL
Lower-Bound Poverty Line 14

15 Inflation-adjusted Lower Bound poverty line for 2018 (per person per month in rands)
Lower-bound poverty line – R785 (in April 2018 prices) per person per month. This refers to the food poverty line plus the average amount derived from non-food items of households whose total expenditure is equal to the food poverty line; 15

16 Multi-dimensional Poverty Line: SAMPI
The country furthermore reports on two additional poverty measures namely, the international poverty line and a national multi-dimensional poverty measure. SAMPI International poverty line 7,0% of households in South Africa were multi-dimensionally poor in 2016 (down from 17,9% in 2001). 16

17 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q2
Trusted statistics Innovate the statistics value chain for better efficiency Increase use of statistics CAPI quality assurance processes enhanced and automated Preparatory work underway for QLFS parallel testing Census goes digital: Testing digital data collection using different modes – CAPI, CATI and CAWI About visitor sessions About downloads Joint statistical publication (2018) for BRICS summit completed C 17

18 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q2 Partners in statistics
Lead the development and coordination of the NSS Strengthen international collaboration and partnership Consultative meetings held on report writing for SDG country report Preparations for 13th ASSD kick-start Statistical support to Namibia Statistics Agency Hosted AfDB as part of the Statistical Capacity Building Programme for Middle Income Countries Hosted Botswana Ministry of Energy to learn from Stats SA’s CAPI experience C 18

19 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q2 A capable organisation
Drive legislative reform Enhance corporate governance and administration Draft Bill on legislative changes is on track to be submitted to Parliament Published annual report of Stats SA No appointments made during Q2: vacancy rate increased to 15,9% Continued with strategic alignment process (strategy, budget & structure) C 19

20 Key Achievements against strategic outcomes: Q2 Statistical leadership
Invest in statistical leadership and management Building a united and diverse organisation Public Service Women’s Management week Hosted ‘Accelerating women’s participation in the mainstream economy: circumstances and challenges’ in Limpopo Continued with strategic conversations on Transformation and Change C 20

21 Home slide – do not delete this text box.
Transformation & change Stakeholders Statistical products Systems & processes Technology 1 2 3 $ 4 Business side Human side 8 7 Skills Style Structure Shared values 6 5 21

22 Stats SA @ risk 1 4 2 3 DEMAND BUDGET SUPPLY PEOPLE 1 2 4 3
Increasing demand for statistical information National Continental Global Other DEMAND 1 Severe budget cuts Warm bodies not affordable IES/LCS not funded Poverty estimates impacted CPI basket GDP estimates BUDGET 2 4 2 3 Basic statistics at risk – declining quality over time Discontinued integrative statistical products (value-add) & environmental accounts products SUPPLY 4 15,9% vacancy rate 33 staff left in Q1 29 staff left in Q2 Staff over-stretched – may be exposed to errors PEOPLE 3 22

23 Strategic priorities: 18/19
Finalise legislative reform 2 Maintain the quality of basic statistics 3 Roll-out the Integrated Indicator Framework 4 Integrate, innovate & modernise our business processes 5 Restructure and rationalise (redeployment & reskilling) 6 Coordinate, partnerships & designate statistics as official 7 Census 2021 23

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