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United States History “Progressivism”

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1 United States History “Progressivism”
Unit 2, Ch. 6, Sec. 1

2 Main Idea Progressives focused on 3 areas of reform: easing the suffering of the urban poor, improving unfair and dangerous working conditions, and reforming government at the national, state and local levels

3 Questions What issues did Progressives focus on , and what helped energize their causes? How did Progressives try to reform society? How did Progressives fight to reform the workplace? How did Progressives reform government at the national, state, and local levels?

4 What was Progressivism?
Reform movement from the late 1800s Reformers called Progressives, sought to improve living conditions for the urban poor

5 Muckrakers Muckrakers were journalists that “raked up” or exposed the filth of society Muckrakers helped reform in the U.S. Jacob Riis- photographer that helped urban poor Ida Tarbell-journalist that exposed unfair business practices Lincoln Steffens exposed government corruption

6 Jacob Riis in 1906

7 Bandit's Roost (1888) by Jacob Riis, from How the Other Half Lives
Bandit's Roost (1888) by Jacob Riis, from How the Other Half Lives. This image is Bandit's Roost at 59½ Mulberry Street, considered the most crime-ridden, dangerous part of New York City.

8 Ida Tarbell in 1905

9 Lincoln Steffens in 1894

10 Reforming Society Housing reforms: the Tenement Act of forced landlords to improve housing Outhouses were outlawed, dropping death rates NAACP was formed to fight for African American rights

11 Reforming the Workplace
Minimum wage law passed in 1912 10 hour workday established in 1917 Fire-safety laws as a result of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Unions joined the fight for better working conditions

12 Reforming Government Election reform: 1. progressives backed the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913, allowing for the direct election of U.S. Senators. 2. initiative, referendum, recall gave voters more power

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