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Grammar Unit II: Lesson 1.3

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1 Grammar Unit II: Lesson 1.3
Using Objective Personal Pronouns Correctly

2 Personal pronouns OBJECT PRONOUNS me you her, him, it us them
First Person Second Person Third Person Singular me you her, him, it Plural us them

3 Using objective Pronouns
Objective personal pronouns should always be used after 1. an ACTION verb Tyler hit it out of the park. AV preposition 2. a PREPOSITION Larry gave the ball to him.

4 Common prepositions by for from like near of about after before behind
beside between to with without Suzy gave the paper to her. Linda sat between him and her. The story was written by them.

5 Guided Practice Read each sentence. Underline all verbs twice. Label them AV or LV. Place a box around prepositions. Circle the correct pronoun. LV 1. Between (you and me, you and I), this is easy stuff! AV 2. After class, Gabby gave (she, her) a note. AV 3. The book delighted (us, we) readers. AV 4. The teacher assigned (they, them) homework for Thursday.

6 Subjective & Objective Practice
Read each sentence. Underline all verbs twice. Label them AV or LV. Place a box around prepositions. Circle the correct pronoun. Label it Sub or Obj on the line. AV Sub ___1. (He, him) and Dana wrote the report. AV obj ___2. Larry told John and (me, I) about the assignment. LV sub ___3. The writer of the report was (she, her). AV obj ___4. The report was challenging for (they, them).

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