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When you come into class, please do the following immediately: Welcome to Mrs. McMath’s English class! When you come into class, please do the.

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5 When you come into class, please do the following immediately:
Welcome to Mrs. McMath’s English class! When you come into class, please do the following immediately: 1. Find your name on the piece of paper on the front table. If you don’t see one with your name, get a blank sheet of paper from the pile on the table and write your name on it. 2. Browse the classroom library. Choose a book that you’d like to read this week. 3. Get something to write with. 4. Have a seat anywhere in the room, except at my desk, and begin reading. I’ll come around and meet you after attendance When students walk in, this is what they see. Remember, never more than 3-4 steps each day. Remember students can always talk to you via the sticky note procedure modeled on the first day. Be clear about what they should be doing when you come in. If you brought your spiral, put your name inside of it and put it in the correct basket at the back. If you have a question, write it on a sticky note and put it on my computer screen.

6 What’s your name? Answer the following questions on the sheet of paper. Example Amber Renee McMath Amber Am like “I am hungry.” Ber like “Brrr, it’s so cold.” What is your full name? What do you friends call you? What do you prefer your teachers call you? How is it pronounced? Rather than standing in front of the class for lengthy directions, let the board give the directions. By the time you come around to them to introduce yourself, they should have completed this. They are READING silently while you go around and meet each student. This particular response should only take them a minute.

7 You’ve got to read... When personal introductions are finished, Book Talk three to four books of different genres. Only spend a minute on each.

8 You’ve got to read... Direct students to the bottom of the board where they’ll see they need to choose one they would like to read and explain why. This is a great way to gather data about their genre of preference, what criteria they use to choose a book, and even some writing skills. On your sheet of paper, write down which ONE of these books you’d like to read. Then tell me why.

9 First Day, First Impressions
On the sheet of paper being passed out, record your thoughts about every class you have today. Read the directions. Scan the table columns and rows. Start by filling in the row for this hour. Raise your hand if you have a question and I’ll come by to answer it. This is due tomorrow. This task sheet serves as an artifact to pass back out at the end of the year. It’s a non-threatening first impressions reflection that students will use to gauge how each class went on their first day. Direct students to look at #5 and establish the expectation that we expect work to be turned in. You could put a tone/mood words list on the back of this if you wanted to introduce that indirectly.

10 Before you leave... Turn in your info paper to the black tray at the front. Get a supply list. Return your library book where you found it. It’s a hectic day, so make sure you are extra obvious about what you need students to do. Pictures help!

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