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Grant and Contract Planning Using Adaptive

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Presentation on theme: "Grant and Contract Planning Using Adaptive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant and Contract Planning Using Adaptive
Introduction: Today we will be talking about a tool that can facilitate the management of grant and contract budgeting and spending.

2 Challenges

3 “HELP!” For example, let’s say I am Professor X. I come to your office frantic and I say, “It’s already April and my NSF grant ends in July. Are we on track to spend everything?”

4 Are there times when a PI asks, “I need to hire 2 graduate research assistants on my grant……what will that cost and do I have the funds available?” So then you scramble to calculate the gross salary, the ere, the tuition benefit, and the F&A……… “I need to hire 2 GRA’s.”

5 What will you get out of this?

6 Understand system limitations Grasp the challenges of grants
See the benefits of Adaptive By using Adaptive, you can sit down with a faculty member and create a funding plan and develop models to determine what funding is available in a much more efficient way.

7 What you will not get?

8 This is not training for Adaptive data entry
The training on how to use this tool can be done outside of this venue in coordination with me.

9 Historical perspective Benefits of Adaptive Initial investment
The process Challenges Resources Following are the topics for this session. At the end of each, I will ask you all if there any questions.

10 Historical perspective
For forever, shadow accounting systems have been used across campus to help department personnel mange grants and contracts. Whether that was done via paper, excel spreadsheets or homegrown databases, everyone has been trying to get to the same answer through these differing approaches………nothing has been robust or consistent across campus. Monitoring and planning each grant year has always been difficult. As most of us know, when planning (or encumbering) personnel for grants in our current system, we are limited to the University’s fiscal year, June 30.

11 UAccess Analytics

12 Limited to the U of A fiscal year (6/30/19)

13 UAccess Planning

14 NOT limited to the U of A fiscal year
You will enter all of your encumbrances in a sheet called “Planned Expenses” in Adaptive. These includes system encumbrances.

15 UAccess Planning

16 In a conference room long, long ago………
3-4 years ago, a community of department administrators decided that it was time to try to move away from 1,000 different versions of shadow tracking systems……..all had the same goal or purpose………to give Principal Investigators and research administrators an accurate grant balance and provide some easy scenario planning. This led to a cross campus participation from Eller, CALS, OGI, Budget Office and ENGR to develop a solution for the need to account for “project period” and provide more accurate planning capabilities. The first step was to identify most of the traits of grants and contracts and then make sure this new idea could manage them.

17 “Complexifiers” % in ENGR
Project period does not equal UA fiscal year % Spans multiple fiscal years % Start date other than the 1st of the month % More than one type of compensation %

18 “Complexifiers” % in ENGR
Varying effort for an employee across years % Partial periods (ex. 6 months) % Multiple investigators % UA cost sharing %

19 “Complexifiers” % in ENGR
3rd party cost sharing % Subcontracts % Subtractions from TDC base (MTDC) % As you can see from these “Complexifiers”, great collaboration from our research community gave the project the foundation to begin to develop a new tool. With the help of the Budget Office, and many others, the Grants and Contracts Instance was born.

20 Benefits of Adaptive There are 5 important benefits.

21 Ability to track by Project Period:
Budgets Actuals Planned expenses

22 2) Can create detailed budgets
Is everyone familiar with the budget load process in UAccess Financials? SPCS loads budgets in UAccess Financials at the consolidation code level. 1000 for personnel 3100 for operations 6000 for travel 7950 for F&A

23 3) More accurate planning
For employee planning, you are not limited to the fiscal year (June 30th). Your hard AND soft encumbrances are planned directly in Adaptive.

24 4) Can track cost sharing
Currently, UAccess Financials does not have the ability to track balances for cost sharing, only expenses. Adaptive allows you to enter your cost sharing budgets and monitor balances.

25 5) Cloud based - single sign on
Shadow systems and spreadsheets can get lost and are not uniform.

26 Initial investment

27 Requesting access - Request access using APT




31 2) Getting trained - UAccess Learning tutorials coming soon
Thanks to the help from Campus IT Partnerships, 2 Learning opportunities are being created. These will be “self paced” training and will available soon.

32 2) Getting trained - 1:1 Office Hours Every other Friday
10am – 11:30am in AME S438 Schedule one on one training with me.

33 3) Decide on what to enter
- All active projects - All active projects as of a certain date - Only cost sharing This is one of the biggest decisions to be made prior to deciding to move forward. Decide on what your goal or intention is. Think about the staff you have and the time available.

34 4) Identify roles and responsibilities
- Budgets and project periods? - Planned expenses? - Reports?

35 5) Management - Use a weekly Analytics Agent
- Set aside 20 minutes per award entry

36 The Process So, a sponsor grants us an award…… then what?

37 Sponsored Projects: 1) Creates the UAccess Financials account
2) Loads the consolidation budget

38 Department 1) Enter Project Periods in Adaptive
2) Enter Budget in Adaptive - Anticipated vs. Obligated 3) Plan expenses in Adaptive

39 Best Practices for Budget Entry

40 Detailed Object Code Listing

41 In the data entry sheets in Adaptive, there is a drop down menu to select/search for the object code you need also.

42 1140 - Regular Academic Appointment 1150 – Fiscal Appointment
1190 – Graduate Assistant Academic 1212 – Supp Comp Regular 1213 – Supp Comp Grad 1340 – Student Wages Because personnel is generally the majority of grant costs, we suggest budgeting at detailed object codes.

43 2112 – Appointed & Faculty Regular ERE
2117 – Student ERE 2119 – Graduate Assistant ERE 2130 – Graduate Tuition Benefit

44 7950 - Facilities and Administration Costs
3100 – Operations Travel In State Travel Out of State Foreign Travel Capital Facilities and Administration Costs Some units may decide they want to budget operational items in more detail: For example, maybe the College of Medicine wants to budget subject pay at object code What would anyone else like to be able to budget at?

45 Challenges

46 Learning the lingo - Level (college, org, account)
- Account (object code) - Sheet (enter data) - Version (defines the sheet type)

47 2) Understanding the structure


49 3) New accounts added every Monday

50 Resources

51 UAccess > Learning Adaptive – Grants and Contracts……. Coming Soon!

52 UAccess Community A forum has been set up for “UAccess Planning”


54 UAccess Planning Confluence Space Login and search for “UAccess Planning”

55 APT link. There is an “assistance request form” link that send an to me. User Guide links UAccess Community link Reports link

56 Jason Von fange 621-9511
  Engineering Administration Building: Civil Engineering Room #: 303 AGSC – College of Agric and Life Sci ARCH – Col Arch Plan & Landscape Arch EDUC – College of Education ENGR – College of Engineering HCSD – AZ Health Science Centers and Divisions MDTC – College of Medicine ‐ Tucson MUSM – RDI Museums Division NURS – College of Nursing OPSC – College of Optical Sciences RCTI – RDI Centers and Institutes RSDV – RDI Research Infrastructure SCNC – College of Science SLHW – Campus Health and Wellness

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