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How to Apply for a Sixth Form Place

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1 How to Apply for a Sixth Form Place
Prichard’s Pointers: Follow these simple steps for ucas progress success! How to Apply for a Sixth Form Place Go to this website: All the sixth forms in the borough of Richmond have agreed to use this online system for applications this year. This is a hybrid of the same system your students will use to apply for univeristy in two to three years time.

2 Schools and Colleges using UCAS progress
Christs Grey Court Hampton Academy Orleans Park Richmond Park Academy Teddington Twickenham Academy Waldegrave Richmond Upon Thames college Make sure you read the point in the bottom box about Tiffin, Esher and Strodes Please note that if you want to apply for courses at Esher, Strodes and Tiffin (or other Kingston schools then you apply to these institutions directly.)

3 Schools and Colleges using UCAS progress
Christs Grey Court Hampton Academy Orleans Park Richmond Park Academy Teddington Twickenham Academy Waldegrave Richmond Upon Thames college Plus Kingston College Make sure that you inform them about the pdf and the link to the richmond website where this information can also be found. Please note that this document can be found on the Richmond borough website: A pdf of this document will also be attached to the Grey Court e-bulletin:

4 How to start your search
Type in your post code here: e.g Grey Court school and/or the provider e.g Grey Court

5 Enter where you want to search
You can type in a subject or course that you are interested in here.

6 List of courses A list will then come up of the institution you are interested in and the courses on offer at that institution

7 Click on a course to find out more
If you click on a course you can find out details such as entry requirements, syllabus and course content.

8 Click on a provider to find out more
You will also be able to provide some information about the provider. However, we advise that you visit the open day of the provider is running.

9 Easy to use: Each student completes these sections
When you fill in these details make sure that you include an up-to-date phone number and a formal address e.g NOT As first impressions count! Also please note that an agreement has been reached between all the schools that references will not be needed from the provider this year. If you are from Grey Court we already have your school report and if you are applying elsewhere then that provider will usually ask for you to bring your latest school report with you on the day of your interview.

10 However, students are required to write a personal statement a detailing their strengths – we will help them through this. An opportunity to complete the personal statement students started in July will be available on October 19th during CPSHE day.

11 Personal statement pointers – these are key verbs you can use in your personal statement – admissions officers like ACTIVe words! Personal Statement Key Words accomplished achieved acquired administered advised amended analysed applied appraised approved arranged assembled assessed assisted attained balanced bought built budgeted calculated checked coached collaborated collected combined compiled completed composed concluded condensed conducted confirmed constructed consulted controlled converted coordinated corresponded cancelled created criticised decreased defined delivered demonstrated designed detected determined developed devised diagnosed directed discovered disproved distributed documented doubled drew up edited eliminated enlarged established estimated evaluated examined expanded familiarised finished forecasted formed formulated founded generated guided identified implemented improved improvised incorporated increased indicated initiated inspired installed instigated instituted instructed integrated interpreted intervened interviewed introduced invented investigated involved launched led logged managed maintained measured merged minimised modernised monitored negotiated networked observed obtained operated ordered organised originated oversaw passed performed persuaded pioneered planned predicted prepared presented prevented processed produced programmed progressed promoted prompted proposed protected proved provided published purchased quantified realised recommended recorded recruited redesigned reduced referred regulated rejected renegotiated reorganised reported researched restored restricted reviewed revised revitalised revived saved scheduled selected served set up shaped simplified sold solved specified started stimulated streamlined strengthened stretched structured studied succeeded suggested superseded supervised supplied supported surpassed synthesised taught tested tightened trained transferred translated treated trimmed uncovered unified unravelled wrote

12 Prichard’s pointer: A possible structure for a personal statement
1. Provide an overview of your character and personal qualities 2. Explain why you want to take the particular A-Level courses/BTEC course/apprenticeship qualification or vocational training. * 3. Write about any Extra-curricular experiences you may have undertaken or any work experience you may have taken part in. Remember to relate them to your chosen course(s) * Please note that if you are applying for more than one course e.g three A-levels – devote a short paragraph to each A-level.

13 You may have developed some of the following skills and qualities that colleges find desirable from enrichment activities that you have taken part in at Grey Court: communication sensitivity numeracy leadership trustworthy problem solving stamina honesty listening time management adaptability Responsibility creative thinking innovation team work research growth mindset initiative willingness to learn originality independence self-discipline motivation commitment Persistence patience energetic confidence determination organisation calm

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