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Academic Regulations 2018/2019

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1 Academic Regulations 2018/2019
Katri Kadakas Student Counsellor School of Information Technologies

2 Division of English language based programmes in Schools
1. School of Business and Governance BA International Business Administration BA Law MA International Business Administration MA International Relations and European-Asian Studies MA Law MA Technology Governance and Digital Transformation

3 Division of English language based programmes in Schools
2. School of Engineering BSc Integrated Engineering MSc Industrial Engineering and Management MSc Environmental Engineering and Management MSc Design and Technology Futures MSc Materials and Processes for Sustainable Energetics MSc Technology of Wood, Plastic and Textiles MSc Mechatronics

4 Division of English language based programmes
3. School of Information Technologies BSc Cyber Security Engineering MSc Cyber Security MSc Communicative Electronics MSc Computer and Systems Engineering MSc E-Governance Technologies and Services MSc Health Care Technology

5 Division of English language based programmes in Schools
4. School of Science MSc Applied Physics

6 Study Consultant Each School has designated Study Consultant (Dean’s Office) to whom student can turn in following questions: advising on studies timetable study load study Information System ÕIS

7 Study Consultants in TTÜ
Name of the Faculty/School Name of the Contact person Room no address School of Engineering Ms. Aive Evart U04-201 Ms. Moonika Asu U05-203 Ms. Ülle Valtna U04‑202 Ms. Katrin Soone U04‑201 Ms. Raili Klesment NB! Rooms of School of Engineering will change in the beginning of the Semester! School of Information Technologies Ms. Katri Kadakas ICT-120 Ms. Kairi Põder School of Business and Governance Ms. Maria Edur SOC-249 Faculty of Science Ms. Maarja Märss U04 208

8 ÕIS (Study Information System)
subject registration timetable academic calendar study results …. etc

9 Student code in ÕIS every student has its unique student number
this number is necessary to identify you in the system (ÕIS) you need the student code to write on all applications, tests, e- mails and other papers that are handed in at/in the university Example: Degree study David John IASM Visiting student John David IV

10 Access to ÕIS (Study Information System)
To access system, there are 4 options: UNI-ID- highly recommended  (room SOC-129 or ICT- 410 or use self-service ÕIS username and password (room SOC-132) ID card (Estonian ID code needed) Mobile ID (Estonian ID code needed) Access to personalized TTÜ address, TTÜ intranet, HITSA Moodle, etc.

11 Access to ÕIS (Study Information System)
Visit website Log in with UNI-ID Confirm the following validity of your personal data

12 Academic Calendar- important information regarding studies
the beginning and end of semester declaration deadline (registrating for the courses) holiday deadlines examination session dates Available in

13 Programme abbreviation in ÕIS
Bachelor: International Business Administration TVTB Law HAJB Integrated Engineering MVEB Cyber Security Engineering IVSB

14 Programme abbreviation in ÕIS
Master: International Business Administration TVTM International Relations and European-Asian Studies TASM Law HAJM Technology Governance and Digital Transformation HAGM Cyber Security IVCM Computer and Systems Engineering IASM Communicative Electronics IVEM E-Governance Technologies and Services IVGM Environmental Engineering and Management EABM Design and Technology Futures MADM Industrial Engineering and Management MARM Materials and Processes for Sustainable Energetics KAYM Technology of Wood, Plastic and Textiles KVEM Health Care Technology YVEM Mechatronics MAHM Applied Physics YAFM

15 Timetable in ÕIS Timetables are available by Schools
Weeks are distributed odd and even Next week (starting with September 3) is 1st week Numbers added to the programme abbreviation indicate following: First number shows semester: nr 11- first year Autumn semester (1st study semester) nr 21- first year Spring semester (2nd study semester) nr 31- second year Autumn semester (3rd study semester) Second number indicates the study group (for bachelor studies) or specialisation (for master studies)

16 Registering for a course in ÕIS
at the beginning of each semester all students must submit a study plan if the study plan is not submitted then you will not receive your grades as the teachers cannot create assessment sheets the study plan is submitted via study information system ( study plan (declaration) must be submitted latest on the indicated deadline in Academic Calendar

17 Declaration deadline 10 September 2018
Final deadline to submit declaration in ÕIS! PS! In some cases, a lecturer has a right to cancel the declaration made by student. In the Academic Calendar, 12th of September is a deadline for cancellation of students’ declarations by the lecturer.

18 Registering for a course in ÕIS
In addition, please: make sure that you take required amount of ECTS make sure that subject code and professor’s name is correct If you need to make changes in study plan after the deadline, turn to Dean’s office immediately and they will help you with the declaration. Pass the declaration deadline, you can deleted registered courses only by the turning to your Study Consultants. Courses can be deleted until the end of September. Pass the declaration deadline, courses can be added with the help of Study Consultant only upon the written approval of the designated subject´s professor.

19 Examination sessions 2 terms in 1 academic year- Autumn and Spring
1 term (semester) consists 16 weeks of classroom and practical study and examination period Autumn semester: End of classroom sessions 23 December 2018 Autumn semester examinations deadline 23 January 2019

20 Registration for exams
at least 2 exam times within the exam session before the first exam there has to be at least one consultation the time and place of which is published with exam times Registration for an exam through ÕIS (mainly) at the instructor or department/faculty (on paper)

21 Assessment of academic performance
Assessment may be either graded or non-graded. E stands for examination (graded assessment) A stands for non-graded (Fail/Pass)

22 Assessment of student performance
Graded assessment “5”- excellent “4”- very good “3”- good “2”- satisfactory “1”- sufficient (poor) “0”- insufficient (failed) Non-graded assessment A- pass M- fail MI - „absent“- has not participated on the exam

23 Additional information
Essential Estonian- fun online dictionary estonian  Student Help Desk advice on general academic issues and everyday life in Estonia (regarding public transportation, banks, family practitioners, student life, etc) Room U Academic Policies (full version)

24 Have a wonderful semester!

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