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Previous Academic Work, Activities and PhD Research Plan MSc. Mari Shioya 29th October 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Previous Academic Work, Activities and PhD Research Plan MSc. Mari Shioya 29th October 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Previous Academic Work, Activities and PhD Research Plan MSc. Mari Shioya 29th October 2008

2 Previous works 1 2005-2007: Ireland(University College Dublin) Masters Programme in Environmentas Resource Management Thesis: Management of Conservation Sites (National Parks, World Heritage Sites). -Tourism and Biodiversity. (Dublin, Ireland., 2007.)

3 Study Areas Study area 1: Japan - the author's home county Study area 2: Ireland - author's current country of residence Study area 3: Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania Study area 4: Lake Mburo National, Uganda Study area 5: Kafue National Park, Zambia Study area 6: Kinabalu National Park, Pahan National park, Malaysia Study area 7: Bogor Botanical Gardens, Indonesia Study area 8: Stelvio National Park, Italy Study area 9: High Tatra National Park, Slovakia Study area 10: Carreiron Natural Park in Galicia, Spain Study area 11: The Follion National Park in Quebec, Banff NP, Canada Study area 12: Galapagos National Park, Ecuador

4 Methods: Interviews to Locals 1. What is your image of the word National Park? 2. Do you think there is an economic influence to this area? 3. When is the busiest season of this area? 4. Is there any problem living near the national park or world heritage site (i.e.traffic, garbage)? 5. What government or local authority should do to solve those problems?

5 Interviews to Tourists 1/2 1. What brings you here? 2. With whom have you come to the park with? i.e. family/school/friends 3. Did you hear anything about this NP/P before visiting? And from where? What were your perceptions of the park before you came and did they live up to reality? 4. Did you like it, did you enjoy being there? If Yes - why? If No - why?

6 Interviews to Tourists 2/2 5. Do you want to go there again or not? And why? If yes, what do you want to do next time? 6. Do you see/find any problems in that place? 7. What improvements would you suggest for the park? 8. If you dont mind me asking, how much would you estimate you spent during your visit? 9. What do you think of the idea that the authorities should restrict/limit the daily number of visitors to protect wildlife or other park assets?

7 Interviews to Rangers 1. How many people visit here annually? 2. When is the busiest season? 3. Are there any problems in that season, and other seasons? 4. What are the biggest/most significant problems in this national park so far? 5. What is the most pressing problem at the moment in this national park? 6. What problems do you foresee in this national park in the future? 7. Are there any solutions for those problems? 8. Do you think the economic situation here changed after this place became national park? 9. Does the protection that comes with being a national park outweigh the possible negative effect on wildlife that increased human contact might bring through visitors to the park?

8 Results: Discussion and Conclusion i) Relationship between Tourism and biodiversity Poaching animals/plants Contamination/Erosion Garbage Control of animals Transportation Visitor density

9 ii) The effect of the National Park on the local community Benefit o the locality from tourism Negative effects on locals from tourism Benefit to the parks from locals

10 Recommendations and Suggestions from Respondents Transportation services Facility improvement Wastes management Setting limits for daily visitors

11 Conclusion Management at each local level depends upon developing human awareness, not only among the visiting tourists, but also the local residents and the various authorities. Poor management caused by a lack of information or education, or actual neglect would create further problems. So the park authorities must continuously assess the human impacts upon their site(s) - including those that come directly from the visiting tourists. Following this, they need to inform and educate both tourists and locals in order to encourage people to protect the natural or cultural heritage resource concerned. Where the pressure comes from illegal activities they need to actively enforce the legislation.

12 Previous work 2 2001-2005: Japan (Chuo University, Dublin) BA (Environmental Economics and Politics in Faculty of of Policy studies) Thesis: The Management Policy of National Parks for the Conservation of Biodiversity, and the Rangers jobs for Nature Conservation. (Tokyo, Japan., 2005.)

13 Related activities 1 2007 October- : Associate Fellow in The Institute of Policy and Cultural Studies in Japan. Research in environmental policy for the purposes of the institute, being able to represent the institute on national and international institutional level.

14 Related activities 2 2007 September-October: Executive assistant of Ministry of Environment in Japan. Organise "OECD Material flow Seminar" between UNEP, EU commission, OECD, Ministry of Environment in Japan. Translation and preparation of documents of the respective parties, arrange meeting

15 Related activities 3 2007 July-August: Conservation Ranger in Killarney National Park in Ireland. Remove the invasive Rhododendron ponticum from Killarney National Park to protect the natural forest.

16 Related activities 4 2004 October - 2005January: Research Assistant in Environmental Policy research office, Tokyo,Japan. Research legislative and policy issues to wildlife management and environmental policies.

17 PhD Research plan Theme: Socio-ecological resilience as dynamic concept for biodiversity protection under the globalisation. Socio-ekologicka reziliencia ako dynamicky koncept ochrany biodoverzity v podmienkach globalizacie.

18 Aims and objectives The general aim of study is to assess and define the human impact on the environment, thus finding a way to achieve sustainable development.

19 Aims and Objectives The specific aims and objectives of the study are to: Undertake research about the management of National Parks and equivalent conservation areas. To clarify and compare the problems of management of National Parks in several contrasting countries on different continents - including Slovakia, Japan and Ireland. To build on the theory of socio-ecological resilience and evaluate and suggest mechanisms for managing the potential conflicts between wildlife (biodiversity) and tourism, giving appropriate consideration to both environmental and economic aspects.

20 Interaction between people and environment in parks (modified from Butler and Boyd 2000). Parks and people - Local communities - Tourists, visitors - Management authorities Parks and 'natural' environment - Wildlife focus - Ecologically sensitive focus - Polar regions (inaccessibility, management strategy)

21 Short term research plan A: Collecting Information 1. Gather National Park general information of Japan, Slovakia, Ireland. -Management system and process. Law, restriction, rules. Related authorities etc. 2. Choose which park to research and the reason for the choice.

22 Japan Okinawa-Iriomote N.P. – Beach, ocean resort in the southes area in Japan. Relationship, conflicts with U.S. Marine. Existence of endangered species (Iriomote wild cats, yanbarukuina, etc). Intensive tourism site in summer. Shirakami N.P. – Akita & Aomori forestry protected area. Eistence of local Indian people. (communication, conflicts etc.). original culture and history. Shiretoko N.P. - New set UNESCO site which consequences rapidly growing number of tourist and pressure from tourism. Mt.Fuji N.P. – Intensive pressure from tourism. Hiking Mountaineering spot. Transportation, Parking, Contamination, Erosion problems.

23 Short term research plan B: Literature Review The Concept of Biodiversity Importance of Biodiversity Resilience theory Socia-Ecological Resilience Tourism The Importance of National Parks The National Park Concept IUCN Categories The study of biodiversity in ecology and ecological economics The ecological view of the relationship between humans and nature Regional development English/Japanese Literatures? Sources? Books??

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