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Cultural Competence Chapter 9

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1 Cultural Competence Chapter 9
West Coast University NURS 204

2 Culture and Healthcare

3 Cultural Competence The capacity of nurses or health service delivery systems to effectively understand and plan for the needs of a culturally diverse client or group

4 Cultural Terms Ethnicity Ethnocentrism Cultural Sensitivity

5 Cultural Brokering The nurse-as-culture-broker serves as a bridge between the client and the providers in the health care system by “stepping in,” or intervening, to facilitate the acquisition of effective heath care.

6 Strategies for Cultural Competence
Self-awareness Learning Identifying health care issues

7 Studies Prevalence measures Incidence measures

8 Risk Factors Ethnicity/race Diet Alcohol/drug use
Health and healing practices Religious or spiritual beliefs Time orientation Migration

9 Natural History of Disorder
The natural history of disorder refers to the course of disorder over time in the absence of intervention.

10 Stage of Susceptibility
During this stage, the groundwork has been laid by the presence of risk factors that favor the occurrence of disorder.

11 Stage of Presymptomatic Disorder
During this stage, there is no apparent disorder, but pathological changes have started to occur.

12 Stage of Clinical Disorder
This stage is characterized by recognizable signs and symptoms of disorder.

13 Stage of Disability Some disorders leave residual impairment or disability of short or long duration.

14 Epidemiologic Principles
Psychiatric epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of mental disorders in human populations.

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