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Measuring Participation Patterns

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1 Measuring Participation Patterns
Chapter 12 Measuring Participation Patterns

2 In Class Activity Describe what you believe to be the differences between measuring attendance, participation, and involvement How is this reflected in the client’s treatment plan? Pros to measuring? Cons to measuring? Save your answers – you will be adding to it and turning it in at the end of class

3 Attendance, Participation, and Involvement
Purpose of this chapter is to delineate the differences between attendance, participation, and involvement in leisure and recreation activities

4 Attendance Counts how many times or how often a client shows up for activities. Binary count (either/or) Makes no measure of the amount of effort or the quality of emotional involvement in an activity. Important, but says little about quality outcomes achieved through treatment Attendance can be a vital measurement in a variety of ways Initiation Compliance Equipment

5 Participation Linear concept Addresses
Participation in activities foes from harming oneself and others (negative recreation and leisure) to cathartic benefits from activity (positive recreation and leisure) Addresses 1. The quality of the actions of a client 2. The amount of effort the client puts into the activity

6 Participation vs. Attendance
How you do something, as well as what you do, can make a difference in your health and happiness. Taking personal responsibility for the effort put out is a key step toward obtaining a healthy leisure lifestyle

7 Participation Measuring Tools
Leisure Assessment Inventory Leisure Step Up STILAP Recreation Participation Data Sheet

8 Attendance and Participation in Research
Attendance and Participation data has the potential to determine a great deal about the involvement trends within a particular population Messina (2011) Activity sum as a predictor of participation level As residents continue to attend programs, their participation level eventually increases High participation – lower LOS Low participation – higher LOS

9 Involvement Attendance is binary Participation is linear
Involvement is multi-faceted Cognitive and emotional state Neulinger’s leisure as a state of mind

10 Components of Involvement
In research to develop the Assessment of Leisure and Recreation Involvement (LRI) Ragheb reviewed literature to determine how authors in recreation and leisure describe the emotional aspects of involvement. He found six independent subcomponents of involvement: Importance of the activity Pleasure derived from the activity Interest in the activity Intensity of, or absorption in, the activity Centrality of the activity to the individual’s perception of self Meaning of the activity

11 Another view of Involvement
Ragheb also developed an assessment tool to measure the vitality activities give to the participants – Vitality Through Leisure (VTL) This assessment turns the question around... Instead of asking what the participant puts into the activity, VTL asks what the participants are getting out of the activity.

12 Five ways activities energize people
Broaden and Build Seeing more possibilities in the world Physical Condition Increases in physical fitness and energy Relaxation and Stress Control Recovery from the Demands of life Optimal Arousal Enjoyment of the activities Personal Betterment and Restoration Leading to a better personal life

13 Now what!? Based on what we discussed in lecture, add your additional thoughts and insights to your answers from earlier... Describe what you believe to be the differences between measuring attendance, participation, and involvement How is this reflected in the client’s treatment plan? Pros to measuring? Cons to measuring?

14 In Class Discussion Share your thoughts from the previous activity

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