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Innovations Seamus and Zorica.

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1 Innovations Seamus and Zorica

2 M-Pesa Mobile Payment Problem
Lack of access to financial services and transaction services. Lack of convenience in using standard banking systems. Solution A mobile payment service run through a consumer’s phone. Limits Only accessible to those with a phone (Although the service is used 30 million people across Africa) M-Pesa is a mobile payment tool that was launched in 2007 in Kenya as a way for people to make payments to one another over text. Since 2007, the services that M-Pesa provides has expanded. M-Pesa allows users to deposit and withdraw money, pay bills, buy goods, and transfer money to a bank account. The number of users and the operating range have expanded as well. As of 2016, 30 million people use the service, and M-Pesa now operates in countries across Africa, along with India, Afghanistan, Romania, and Albania. M-Pesa has also incentivized spending, by making the process easier and more convenient, which has benefited consumers and business owners. The M-Pesa payment service has contributed to the reduction of extreme poverty across Africa through making spending easier, but also by making financial management and saving easier and more accessible. Ten years later, this model of mobile payments has exploded across much of the West and East Asia. Services like Apple Pay and Venmo in the United States, and AliPay and WeChat in China are examples of how M-Pesa’s business model has spread, making payment more efficient and convenient.

3 OSP Cement The Problem For countries with oil reserves, oil spills are common and can cause substantial ecological damage as well as negative health effects to people exposed to the chemicals released during the oil spills. The Solution Dubbed ‘Oil Spill’ (“OSP”) cement, Dr. Kazirukanyo’s invention protects water against carcinogenic oil spills. Sprinkled on fresh or old lubricant and oil spills, it reacts with the contaminants to form tiny lumps that are easily removed and deposited in designated plastic bins. The lumps then can be recycled as concrete additives. Limits of OSP Cement Not enough information on the product or where to purchase it, if it is even on the market. It is unclear whether OSP cement is affordable or not?

4 Mama-Ope: Biomedical Smart Jacket
The Problem: In Uganda, pneumonia is often misdiagnosed as malaria. This leads to many deaths that could have been prevented with proper treatment. The Solution: Ugandan inventor Brian Turyabagye created a biomedical jacket that diagnoses pneumonia three to four times faster and more accurately than a medical doctor. The jacket measures the patient’s body temperature, heart rate, and lungs and sends the info to a smartphone. Limits: The information must still be reviewed and analyzed by a doctor.

5 Conclusion Security Prosperity Potential Perceptions

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