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Team Name.

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1 Team Name

2 Delete this slide before uploading it
You have just downloaded the preselection file: it’s the first step for you to win the challenge! In this file, you are invited to specify some information on your team and detail your project in 3 slides maximum and 1 slide about your team. You are free to change the look and the content of these slides to convince the jury. Here are 5 tips to maximize your chances : The jury will be made of managers, so be concise and pertinent: avoid information overload at this step of the challenge Beware of the spelling and the layout. If you wish, you can add images, videos or any elements that could help the jury to understand your concept quickly. Delete this slide before submitting it via your online team space. Upload it on the plateform with the name of your team as a name Best of luck, see you on the podium!

3 Slide 1/3

4 Slide 2/3

5 Slide 3/3

6 Your team Name First Name Age School Email Phone number
Personal description (140 caracters max) Capitain picture Name First Name Age School Phone number Personal description (140 caracters max) Picture member 2 Name First Name Age School Phone number Personal description (140 caracters max) Picture Member 3 Name First Name Age School Phone number Personal description (140 caracters max) Picture member 4 Name First Name Age School Phone number Personal description (140 caracters max) Picture member 5

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