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Review for Final Test Grade 2 Life Class 2018.

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1 Review for Final Test Grade 2 Life Class 2018

2 Brain pop access Username: Chingshin Password: pop1
Username: Chingshin Password: pop1

3 To save resources like trees
Why do we recycle? To save our world. To save resources like trees To make less waste.

4 Recycle: Reduce: Use less
What are the 3 Rs? Recycle: Use trash. Reuse: Use again. Reduce: Use less

5 Let’s classify! Paper 1 Metal 2 Plastic 3 4 Rubber Paper Books Cards
Boxes magazines Cans Paperclips Silver bits Foil Lids Nail& bolt Bottles Wrappers Bags Plastic boxes Eraser Car tire Rubber band

6 Let’s share some ideas we remember
How do we reduce? Let’s share some ideas we remember Did you think of these? Turn off lights and ACs Cycle or walk Switch off electronics Use plastic bags again Recycle trash Use less water Use both sides of paper

7 Theme 2 Review Plants, Seeds and Soil
Brainpop video about plants Theme 2 Review Plants, Seeds and Soil 1. What do plants need to grow? Plants need soil, a little water everyday and sunlight.


9 2. How did we plant seeds? First We filled the pots with soil. Next
We put the seeds in the soil. Then We added more soil above the seeds. Last We watered the soil.

10 3. How can we measure and record our plants growing?
We used a ruler to measure them every week. Then, we recorded the height on a graph.

11 4. Can you name all the parts of a plant?
5. Where is the seed? 3 1 4 2 6. The soil is….. 5

12 Theme 3: Rain Here are 2 videos to review the water cycle.

13 Condensation Precipitation Evaporation water vapor steam clouds rain Storage

14 Extreme rain and why they are dangerous
Typhoon Spinning winds and lots of rain. The rain can cause floods. The wind can destroy windows and buildings. Floods Too much water You can drown The water is dirty and can make you sick. Mud slide Rain causes the land to fall down. The mud can block roads and cause homes to fall down (collapse). Thunderstorm Rain with thunder and lightning. The lightning’s electricity can cause fires

15 How do we stay safe in the rain?
Extreme rain safety How do we stay safe in the rain?

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