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Maritime Strategy Interdependency:

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1 Maritime Strategy Interdependency:
DON provides military capability and training to foreign entities via FMS and/or cooperative programs in support of the National Defense Strategy. Never before has the International Acquisition Mission been more important or received more visibility than it does today. From Maritime Patrol vessels, aircraft, and related equipment for protection of fisheries, oil resources, or disputed territory, to training, logistical support, and systems maintenance and upgrades for U.S. acquired military articles and services, our everyday efforts are crucial to global security and prosperity. [Source: RDML Morley’s upfront message] As a career path, all INTL professionals are members of other career fields, with the largest number from ENG, PM and LCL. [Source: CF Profiles FY17Q2-Metrics] Collaboration: Accomplished through the Sea Services Security Assistance Council with a primary focus on “speed” and the willingness to take some risk. Capabilities Development Board NIPO utilizes semi-annual Capabilities Development Boards (CDBs) with each SYSCOM to find ways to decrease "flash-to-bang" time and expedite delivery of coalition capacity and capability from when the requirement is understood to when the article or service is delivered. [Source: Navy International Programs Office Strategic Guidance 2018] Panel #2

2 Maritime Strategy Collaboration Continued:
International Requirements Board NIPO utilizes semi-annual IRBs with each GCC/NCC to improve communication, increase understanding of capability requirements and priorities, and advance SC opportunities. IRBs present an opportunity for the Regional Component Commander to update DoN stakeholders on any changes in SC priorities, and provides an opportunity for SC stakeholders (e.g. NIPO, USMC HQ, OPNAV N52, OPNAV N2/N6, NETSAFA, ONR or other staff) to describe to the Component Commander the SC activities the community is pursuing to support the regional SC objectives. Both IRBs and CDBs are an integral part to NIPO's strategic imperative of alignment. Panel #2.1

3 Maritime Strategy Panel #2.5 6

4 Maritime Strategy The 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS) outlines three distinct lines of effort to include “Strengthening alliances as we attract new partners.” The NDS states that in consultation with Congress and the Department of State, the Department of Defense will prioritize requests for U.S. military equipment sales, accelerating foreign partner modernization and ability to integrate with U.S. forces. [Source: 2018 NDS] NIPO efforts directly support the 2018 NDS LOE to “Strengthen Alliances and Attract New Partners.” NIPO supports the three elements identified in the NDS for achieving a capable alliance and partnership network including: “Uphold a foundation of mutual respect, responsibility, priorities, and accountability; Expand regional consultative mechanisms and collaborative planning; and Deepen interoperability.” [Source: 2018 NDS] Panel #2.6 7

5 Maritime Strategy Panel #2.7 Implementation of the Alignment Roadmap enabled us to expand and strengthen our network of partners, especially with the Navy Component Commands, DON Systems Commands, OPNAV stakeholders, HQMC and other USG agencies. [Source: NIPO Strategic Plan FY17 Message from the Director] 8

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