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Literacy and Numeracy tests – May 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy and Numeracy tests – May 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy and Numeracy tests – May 2019
Information for pupils Miss L Evans – Head of Literacy Mrs J Roberts – Head of Numeracy


3 Top tip: stationery - LITERACY
On the day of the test, make sure you have the following items in your pencil case: Black or blue ballpoint pen Pencil eraser/ rubber Pencil Highlighter Ruler Sharpener


5 Top tip: stationery - NUMERACY
On the day of the test, make sure you have the following items in your pencil case: Pencil eraser/ rubber Compass Pencil Black or blue ballpoint pen Calculator – REASONING TEST only Ruler Highlighter Sharpener Protractor

6 From May 2019, students will complete their Numeracy Procedural test online;
You will be fully prepared for this and will have completed the familiarisation test before the personalised assessment take place; For further information on the online personalised assessment, please go to the school website and watch the video clip there.

7 DO NOT WORRY! These tests are just one of the ways in which we assess and measure progress. Just do your best, do not worry about them and read the questions/ data charts and information carefully so that you give yourself the best opportunity to succeed; You will need to make every effort to have the suggested stationery, especially your own calculator for the Numeracy tests. If you have any queries about stationery, please see Miss Evans (English), Mrs Roberts (Maths) or any of your English/ Maths teachers.; If you have any questions about the tests, speak to your English and/ or Mathematics teacher/s and they will explain everything to you, so there is really no need to worry! Don’t forget to check the timetable on the next page so you know when your tests are too!


9 Literacy test: Numeracy tests:
NOTES PAGE Literacy test: Make sure you have completed the practice papers given to you by your teacher; Use the Literacy test prep booklet to help you with the skill of answering the questions; For practice tests, please join the Literacy Google Classroom using the code: itsdqt3 Remember to use reading strategies such as: skimming & scanning, highlighting key words, reading backwards and forwards, visualising, predicting and questioning to help you in the test! Numeracy tests: Visit the Maths area in our school website and follow the link for Mathswatch. Use the clips, interactive questions and worksheets for revision. Visit the Google Classroom set up for you. This has a wealth of past paper questions. Codes are as follows: Year 7 8iukju Year 8 z4tpk6 Year 9 z9k26f Use the revision list given to you by your maths teacher to target the topics you need to practise.

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