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Critical Element: Data Entry and Analysis

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1 Critical Element: Data Entry and Analysis
“Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all.” —Charles Babbage Critical Element: Data Entry and Analysis Since this section is all about data collection, you will want to provide information about behavioral data on your campus. Be prepared to discuss the system that is used to collect data, how it is analyzed, and by whom. Your school may use SWIS, 425 forms, referral to ISS and/or OSS, drop-out data, PEIMS data, or other sources. Before you start this section of the training, be sure to have behavioral data available for the team to review. The next critical element should sound familiar since it is all about data, a word that we have used frequently when talking about academic success for students. We analyze data at many points in time and in many ways. That level of analysis should be extended to behavioral data so that we can make sound decisions.

2 Benchmarks of Quality Data Entry
This Benchmarks of Quality critical element is Data Entry and Analysis Plan Established.

3 Benchmarks of Quality (Revised)— Scoring Guide
The scoring matrix refers to the importance of analyzing ODR, or office discipline referral data. There are other data that can be collected as well. We do not need to collect an exhaustive amount of data, but we do need to decide what sources are important for this campus. Complete now with your team the scoring form using the scoring guide rubric.

4 What Do You Consider . . . Always Often Sometimes Seldom
Find a sticky note or piece of paper. Right down these four words. Next to each word, write a percentage that the word represents to you. For instance, I wear my seatbelt always, except the short distance from my mailbox to my house if I stop to pick up my mail from the bank of mailboxes in my neighborhood, so always is 99% of the time for me. Use a percentage that represents one number and not a range of numbers. Work individually on this for a minute. Post these for words in the middle of chart paper. When everyone is complete, start with Always. Ask participants for a percentage that they wrote down, then ask for any number higher than what you heard (if possible, there obviously won’t be a number higher than 100%). Record the highest number in green marker to the right of Always . Now ask for a number lower until you find the lowest number used by a participant and record it in red marker to the left of Always. Repeat this exercise for each word. The purpose of this exercise is to show that data must be collected based on defined terms or teams will be guessing at problems and solutions. Let’s look at the range of percentages we have here. How often do we use these words when discussing behaviors? Why is collecting data, reviewing it as a team, and sharing it with campus staff so important?

5 PEIMS Got Data? AEIS Quantitative Qualitative 4654654823218
Office Referrals AEIS PEIMS What is the purpose of data collection? The current trend in education is to focus on outcomes supported by a wide range of data resources. Data collection will assist with the following: Help identify behavioral patterns and trends. Lead to increased consistency of office discipline referral procedures. Help in determining priorities and implementation activities. Provide feedback and evaluation of the process. Improve communication. Provide the team with baseline information. This is one of the best ways to promote buy-in and sustain enthusiasm. If we know where we have started and can see improvement, then that keeps the momentum going. Provide assessment information critical to planning interventions for individual students.

6 Collect and Use Data Identify Problem Develop Hypothesis
Select Solution Develop and Implement Action Plan Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Collect and Use Data Data collection is an ongoing process that relies on the identification of a problem and subsequent solution to be based on scientific evidence. As this process continues, it is necessary to update the action plan as new or updated data comes to the team’s attention.

7 Summarize Analyze Prioritize Present to the Staff
The Team Should . . . Summarize Analyze Prioritize The team’s role in the data collection process is to analyze and summarize current numbers and disseminate that data among stakeholders. The team’s responsibilities could include the following: Summarizing and analyzing the data (diagnose and evaluate) Discussing the findings Using data to prioritize activities for PBIS Cross-referencing data Presenting data to your entire staff Using data to evaluate the effectiveness of PBIS implementation Present to the Staff

8 What Does Your Campus Triangle Look Like?
Pyramid of Learning (Response to Intervention—RtI) Academic Systems Positive Behavior Systems 1–5% Intensive Individual Interventions 10–15% Targeted High Interventions 80–90% Universal High-Quality Instruction for All Students 1–5% 6 or more referrals 10–15% 2–5 referrals 80–90% 0–1 referrals As we discussed earlier, office discipline referral data is important in determining problem areas on your campus. It gives you an idea of where to look for problems so that you, as a team, can intervene more effectively and efficiently. One of the ways you want to look at your office discipline referrals is by how many students have 0–1, 2–5, and 6 or more referrals. We know through research that 80–90% of our students should have 0–1 referrals, 10–15% will have 2–5, and 1–5% of our student population will have 6 ore more referrals. If the team calculates referrals and finds that they have less than 80% in Tier I, then there will be higher percentages in Tiers II and III. We know when this happens that we have systems issues, which are staff issues rather than student issues. A campus can not support the majority of their students at Tiers II and III. There is not enough time, staff, or resources to support the bulk of students at the upper tiers. This means we need to review our data further to determine where exactly our problems are so that we can either implement or tweak the current systems and practices so that students will be successful.

9 The Big Five Time Day Student Behavior Location
What data should the team collect? For purposes of analyzing behavior data, it may be helpful to focus on the big five in regard to office referrals. Each of these pieces will help us drill down further to help you problem solve as a team. It will help give you an idea where to look to pinpoint issues so that you can effectively and efficiently design interventions to assist the campus. What other pieces of data would a campus need to consider collecting? Additional office referral data to collect: Grade level Subpopulation (e.g., special education, economically disadvantaged, ethnicity) Referring staff Motivation/Function of student behavior Location

10 Middle School with 765 Students
We will now look at the big five individually. The first one we will consider is average day per month. The reason we look at referrals on average per month is that if we only consider the total number of referrals within a month, some months may look low, such as December, because of the limited amount of days the students are in school. When we average them out, we are able to get a more accurate picture of what months may have increased discipline issues for the campus. The information will help the team determine when booster sessions of the expectations for staff and/or students will need to be done before the behaviors escalate. ACTIVITY: Review and analyze the following five slides for trends, possible problems, and potential solutions. Discuss as a team.

11 Referrals by Time The second element of the big five is referrals by time of day. This data will give us an idea of when problems are occurring on the campus. When the big five are used in conjunction with each other, we get an even better idea of what may be going on. Time can show us if transitions are a problem or if new scheduling, such as advisory time, is a problem for the campus and a place where expectations may need to be designed and taught to the campus staff and students.

12 Referrals by Student Referrals by student will give us an indication of students who may be struggling and require additional intervention. It will help us prioritize students within tiered interventions as well. For instance, we know through research that we can use the number of office discipline referrals to determine students who should be reviewed by the team for consideration of interventions at Tier II or Tier III. We know that students at Tier I should have 0–1 referrals, Tier II supports will have students with 2–5 referrals, and Tier III supports will have students with 6 or more referrals. The number of referrals will guide the team, but it does not necessarily mean a student with two referrals needs Tier II interventions. For example, if a student has had two referrals 4 months apart for two very different reasons and another student has two referrals for the same behavior within a week, the team may determine that the first student should be watched but does not need Tier II supports at this time, whereas the second student does. The number of referrals will not decide if a student receives tiered supports, but it will drive the team to look at students and prioritize the supports they receive.

13 Referrals by Location What does this slide tell you about the location in the school where most referrals originate? The playground Where is the next most common source for referrals? In class Why is this important information? SAMPLE ANSWERS: There are different strategies that should be used to address problems in one location as opposed to the other, e.g., effective supervision for playground versus individual and group management strategies in the classroom. A campus might want to target the playground as a year one priority, making sure that expectations are clearly stated and taught and compliance reinforced in that location as a starting point. In analyzing this, a team would want to know what is different about the cafeteria and the library. There are usually large groups in both places, and yet their referral rates are lower than the class and playground. Are there strategies in place that could be helpful in reducing the number of referrals?

14 Referral by Problem Behavior
Take a look at this graph. What problem behavior resulted in the most office referrals? Being tardy. Which behavior resulted in the next highest number of referrals? Disruptions. If this school was to identify one area to target, what might it be? What else would you need to know about this report? SAMPLE ANSWERS: It would be helpful to take the one behavior, being tardy, and identify which grade levels, students, and days showed most incidences. Disruptions: Is there a common definition of this behavior? Remember the stranger test. Does it mean talking without permission? Leaving the room without permission? Engaging peers in off-task behavior? This links back the importance of defining problem behaviors. Is the data accurate and helpful if there is not a common definition of what is reported?

15 Effective Data Are . . . Accurate Readily Available Updated Regularly
Shared with Staff Teams should ensure the data being reported adhere to the following: Effective data collection system is in place. Data are accurate. Data are entered and updated regularly. Data are accurate and complete. (This includes PEIMS and nonPEIMS information.) Data are readily available for the administrator and team to use. Analyze data on a regular basis, at least monthly. Share data with staff on a regular basis.

16 Analysis Look for patterns. Share as appropriate.
Identify struggling students or staff. Monitor any interventions for improvement. Good data analysis involves looking for patterns in the numbers. The patterns can reflect struggling students or staff or areas that need to be addressed with additional interventions. The data that are important for communication should be shared with staff.

17 Data Decision Making Acronym Word Meaning S Structure
What physical structures or procedures may need changing? T Teach What instruction must occur for students/staff to exhibit the desired behavior? O Observe What supervision may need changing? What data should be collected/reviewed? I Interact What recognition should be provided? C Correct What corrective consequences need to be changed/addressed? Data are great, but what do we do with it once we have it? This table was adapted from Randy Sprick’s model of STOIC used in CHAMPS: A Positive and Proactive Approach to Discipline. The questions at each level guide the team in its decision-making process. For instance if based on the data the playground has far too many office referrals, what physical structures may need changing, or what instruction must occur for students to exhibit the desired behavior? What expectations do we need to teach or reteach students and staff? Do we have enough staff providing supervision? Does the team need to observe the playground to collect data? How do the interactions on the playground look? Are teachers providing feedback to students, both recognition and correction? This is one way to guide the discussion through data analysis. Used with permission & adapted from Safe and Civil Schools

18 Take time to look at some of your data.
What trends do you see? Is there an area that needs immediate attention? What additional information will need to be collected? Please review the data provided regarding your campus. The data should give you an overview of some of the critical issues. You may realize that your data does not provide enough information to make adequate decisions. What additional information do you need to make more informed decisions? Do you have critical areas you want to address?

19 Action Planner It’s time to complete the action planner for the critical element Data Entry and Analysis Plan Established. Fill in your Benchmarks of Quality scores from items 13–16 that you completed earlier. Your team now needs to determine the priority level of each one. Remember, as a team you will not be able to focus on everything that needs to be more effective on your campus. Your team will have to determine what is most important so that those things can be addressed first. There may be some items that you will not be able to work on until next year, and that is okay. Once you’ve determined what your priorities are, fill in the bottom of the action plan. This is where you will state what items need to be completed, by whom, and when they will be completed. You will evaluate your action plan at the end of each year, complete a new Benchmarks of Quality, and record it online in PBIS Assessments so that you will have yearly access to your data. You will then complete a new action plan at the end of the year to continue making improvements or addressing items based on your current assessment so that your team will have a current action plan going into the new school year.

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