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Presentation on theme: "1980’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 1980’s

2 The Reagon Era 1980- Revolution Begins
Marked significant change toward Conservativism Called for return to “Traditional American Values” Emphasis on family life, hard work, respect for the law, & patriotism Believed too much fed gov’t involvement in lives of people Collect too many taxes Spent too much money on social programs Designed to help others who can’t help themselves Deregulation Cutting rules & regulations for businesses Making money became 1st Everything else becomes 2nd

3 Reaganomics: “Trickle-Down”
It says targeted tax cuts work better than general ones. It advocates cuts to corporations, capital gains, and savings taxes. It doesn't promote across-the-board tax cuts. Instead, the tax cuts go to the wealthy.

4 Iran-Contra Affair, 1980s Election of 1984
Economy booming- everyone making $$$ Except for poor, working, & middle classes Becomes a dominant election for Reagan & Bush Reagan wins re-election and a second term in office Iran-Contra Affair Iran takes US hostages from Lebanon In exchange for their release… US arranges sale of weapons to Iran Marine Lt. Oliver North is the point man for US North also ordered to funnel $$$ to Contras in Nicaragua News of these “deals” leaks and Causes major uproar! Becomes known as Iran-Contra Affair and Casts dark shadow over Reagan

5 USSR is changing… Mikhail Gorbachev takes over USSR
Surprises everyone w/ wanting to reforming USSR gov’t Calls policy, “glasnost” Meaning, Open to new ideas Allows for people to start control of economy Policy called, “perestroika” Changes needed as USSR failing quickly Gorbachev & Reagan strike up strong friendship Work together to end Arms Race Get USSR back on its feet

6 Cold War is Coming to an end…
On June 12, 1987, Reagan spoke near the wall in front of Berlin’s famous Brandenburg Gate “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Communism was soon gone in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union

7 “The Culture Wars” Abortion (Roe vs Wade) Immigration
Affirmative Action Bilingual Education Multiculturalism Communism Homosexuality (AIDS epidemic) Taxation Church and State

8 George Bush Election 1988 Reagon’s 2nd term drawing to close
Rebublicans want to continue success of Reagan VP George HW Bush logical choice Bush wins easily, but… Dems carry Congress Uphill battle to get his policies passed Headline News on the 1988 Election!! (5:04)

9 George I: 1988-1992 Connecticut Family Director of CIA VP to Reagan
Invasion of Panama Iranian Revolution and Iran-Iraq War Over 60% of global oil

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