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Writing Strong Opening Paragraphs in AP Lang

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1 Writing Strong Opening Paragraphs in AP Lang
Mrs. Lamar

2 Observations from an AP reader: readers remarks adapted from Valerie Stevenson
1. There is no one right way to write an opening paragraph. 2. The opening paragraph is extremely important as a first impression and for the way it affects a reader’s attitude toward the paper. A paper can recover from a weak opening, but it’s an extra burden to undo the reader’s “first take” of the paper as lower half, immature, or dull. 3. The majority of students write “empty” openings, meaning that the content of the paragraph is a general regurgitation of the prompt, with no new content from the writer. 4. High scoring papers often have 3-4 sentence intros or longer, whereas low scoring papers often have one or two. Remember, readers want to see “a mind at work”, and “a competent, mature writer in control.”

3 What does not work well:
1. Rearranging or parroting the prompt but not adding anything from your own thinking. 2. Wording that is formulaic, signaling a generic “five paragraph” essay will follow. 3. Beginning with a broad opening statement (i.e. “There have always been wars”), a cliché (”A picture is worth a thousand words”), or a truism (“Everyone wants to be loved”). In general, if you can say, “DUH!” after the statement, don’t use it! 4. Listing the devices the author uses but saying nothing more about them (i.e. “The author uses diction, imagery, and point of view to express her ideas.”)

4 What does work well: 1. Weaving the key words of the prompt into the opening paragraph (and the whole essay for that matter!) to show the reader you know that AP stands for Answer the Prompt! 2. Making a ”grabber” opening sentence that gives insight into the over- arching idea of the piece and conveys an essential truth about it. 3. Writing a “bullet thesis” that directly addresses the prompt and is the thesis for the paper. 4. Weaving in a short “essential quote” that captures the spirit of the piece and signals a direction for the student’s paper. 5. Writing an opening sentence that sets a context for the paper often by describing what the writer is doing in a way that goes beyond the prompt—the statement comes from the critical thinking you have done while reading the piece. This method shares an insight.

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