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Grade 1/2 News From: Mrs. Chassie Room 10

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 1/2 News From: Mrs. Chassie Room 10"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 1/2 News From: Mrs. Chassie Room 10
I am so happy your are joining us in room 10! Communication: Please read and sign the agenda everyday! It will be our main communication tool. I can also be reached at the school by phone or we can arrange a time you can stop in and see me in person. Reading Support Programs: Over the next few weeks reading assessments will be conducted to determine students’ reading straingths and needs . If it is determined that your child is a good candidate for extra reading support, a letter will come home with the details. If you ever have questions, concerns or celebrations to share about your child’s reading please let me know! Team Work: In room 10 we will be focusing on developing character and respect for eachother to help make this year a very positive experience for all! I am commited to making sure your children have the kind of school day that I want for my own kids- full of positive experiences and great learning. Working together as a positive and productive team will be the best way to make this happen. I am looking forward to working with you all. Go Team! Important Reminders First Day of School! Sept. 8 It is: Day 1 Library with Mrs. Morgan: Day 1 (Don’t forget your books if you want to exchange your stories!) Music with Mrs. McLeod: Day 3 Daily physical activity helps us learn! You will need your gym shoes every day! Gym or Fitness with Mr. Simpson and Mrs. McLeod Day 1, 4, 5 DPA with Mrs. Chassie: Day 1 and 3 Parents are a great contribution to our classroom! You can read with the students, help with activities or trips, or maybe you have an area of expertise that can enrich student learning. If you are available to help out, we’d love to hear from you! Donations are always welcomed and much appriciated! Some items that would be very useful include: Supplies for our creation station: ie. wood, foam, tape, wire, corks, buttons etc… Kleenex Placemats for nutrition break Plastic spoons or forks Prize bin goodies Unwanted toys, games or puppets

2 Making reading meaningful and fun is what it’s all about!
Supporting at Home Math Count the World! Encourage your child to practice counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Count the stairs as they go up and down, count the sidewalk squares between your house and a friend’s house, count the number of lights in the house etc… Give them problems to solve that involve counting or make up counting games together. The possibilites are both fun and endless. Happy counting! Language Arts Snuggle up and Read! Students will soon bring home a yellow home reading folder. The home reading program is an important part of your child’s reading program. It’s a great opportunity to Snuggle Up and Read and enjoy literacy together! Some other suggestions to enjoy reading together are: Read a favourite story Recite a favourite poem Sing a favourite song Making reading meaningful and fun is what it’s all about! YOU are one of the most important educators in your child’s life. Check here monthly for ideas to extend the learning outside the classroom. Together, we can ensure your child achieves success! Important Items to Bring to School Connect With Us in the Classroom Running shoes daily A healthy lunch and snack - At Chedoke we have two nutrition breaks. The first in the mid- morning and the second is in the afternoon. Children will have play time and eat time during each break. Please provide enough food to keep your child's tummy happy! A water bottle with an easily opened lid is great for school. Students will be encouraged to re-fill their bottles and to have their water bottle close at hand. Your Boomerang Bag as this is our main way to stay connected. In the Boomerang Bag, your child will carry the agenda, the Snuggle up and Read book and other important items to and from school. Our classroom blog and Twitter account are up and running! Please follow us to check out our room and to stay connected as we travel through our learning journey this year. NOTE: Student faces will not be photographed and only first names will be used on the blog and Twitter. IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS PLEASE BRING IT TO MY ATTENTION ASAP!!! Chedoke Elementary 500 Bendamere Avenue, Hamilton, L9C 1R3 Phone :

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