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The Area Review Process Monday, 14 September 2015

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1 The Area Review Process Monday, 14 September 2015
Bobbie McClelland Deputy Director, Reforming FE Provision Unit Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) David Walker Director of Governance, Association of Colleges

2 Reviewing post 16 education and training
Bobbie McClelland |Deputy Director | Reforming FE Provision Unit | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 14 September 2015

3 Context Productivity Challenge – Fixing the Foundations
Essential role of Professional and Technical Education 3 million apprenticeships Challenging financial context – forthcoming Spending Review Simplification and Devolution

4 Area Reviews - Purpose Institutions which are financially viable, sustainable, resilient and efficient and deliver maximum value for public investment Delivering an offer that meets each area’s economic and educational needs Providers with strong reputations and greater specialisation Able to deliver high quality and relevant education and training for all Provision which reflects changes in government funding priorities and future demand

5 Approach National framework with space for local flexibility
National Steering Group provides gateway to reviews and ensures consistency and boundary management Focus on General FE and Sixth Form Colleges Create network of prestigious Institutes of Technology Evidence based Reviews undertaken consistently, thoroughly and at pace Locally steered Locally supported by FE and SFC Commissioners and Joint Delivery Unit (made up of agency and departmental resource)

6 Local Steering Group - Roles
FE and Sixth Form College Commissioners – consistency, quality and neutrality LEPs – economic analysis and business voice Local authorities – analysis of current and future educational and economic need Governing bodies – Consider options, take decisions and lead implementation Regional Schools Commissioner – identifying issues with school sixth forms Funding Agencies – facilitating delivery of the reviews Departments (BIS and DfE) – setting framework, facilitating access to advice, guidance and resources, national stakeholder engagement and communications, evaluation Other providers – potential to opt in, engaging with reviews, part of supply analysis Other key stakeholders – learners, employers, staff engaged Other supporting organisations – Ofsted, Jisc, Education and Training Foundation, representative organisations

7 Principles for Steering
Visionary and strategic Open-mindedness Best value Collaboration Consider all models Sound financial planning Strong evidence base Focus on quality Embrace technology Looking for Efficiency Have right skills to do review Equality and diversity - Recognise other interests and cultures Willingness to learn lessons Willingness to utilise sector learning and development

8 Review and Implementation
Review triggered – National Gateway Establish Local Steering Group Economic and educational need analysis Analysis of all current Post 16 provision and delivery arrangements Options analysis Governing body deliberations Implementation including establishment of a local outcome agreement

9 Discussion and Questions
Discussion and Questions? Bobbie McClelland |Deputy Director | Reforming FE Provision Unit | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills David Walker |Director of Governance | Association of Colleges

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