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Young Adult’s experience of healthcare

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1 Young Adult’s experience of healthcare
Kath Evans, Experience of Care Lead, NHS Young Adult’s experience of healthcare

2 Who are our vulnerable/ seldom heard CYP?
@AYPHCharity 27/05/2019 @kathevans2

Our communication skills need ongoing focus INCLUDE IMAGE OF THE Me first MODEL HERO PIECE CYP Me We Can Kate Introduction Me first is the first CYP centred communication model designed with and for CYP It is grounded in research and was developed from: A review of the literature and research on person centred communication A review of the literature and research on communicating with children and young people in healthcare Introduce the model as a whole: We know that CYP are often involved in some, but rarely all of the steps. Therefore the model provides a framework for communicating with CYP, to ensure we involve them in all key steps of a good healthcare conversation. Developed from: A review of the literature on Dr-patient communication/person-centred communication/shared decision-making in healthcare Communication with CYP in healthcare Consultation with CYP and HCP Much of this may seem familiar to communication with adult patients. This is based on research about person centred communication, which is spans patients of all ages. We have adapted this to highlight the specific issues for CYP. Therefore, whilst we are aiming this at CYP, this model can span their work – if we can get communication with CYP right, we can get it right for everyone.

4 Want to develop your own youth forum?
‘A youth forum is run & developed by young people for young people.. They exist to give young people a voice, to engage with decision makers & to contribute to improved services’ @kathevans2

5 Grow Youth Social Action/
Volunteering Hands on activities e.g. navigating, working on wards Youth Advocacy e.g. being part of youth forums Peer support/education e.g. Anti-microbial resistance #Iwill @Iwill_campaign @kathevans2 With thanks to Blackpool & Dudley

6 CYP as local reviewers

7 Resources to help you engage young people @NHSYouthForum
Posters - youth rights/ great care for young people ‘Killer questions’ about good services – transition / young carers 27/05/2019 @kathevans2

8 CYP as educators @kathevans2

9 Involving Children and young people in the recruitment process - NHS Employers @kathevans2

10 Getting Social….. Young Adulthood
Lucy @LucyAlexandria Amy @AmyFrounks #YAExp @kathevans2

11 “Peer support was my lifeline.” – Alice, 17
Growing peer support “Peer support was my lifeline.” – Alice, 17 Questions to ask: Do you understand the benefits of peer support to your service users and to yourself as a health care professional? Do you have resources to advertise and promote peer support? Is peer support embedded in your management plans? If not, why not? Have you thought about the range of networks that are available to service users? Could you connect with your local voluntary organisations within your speciality to build and strengthen your peer support network? Have you considered monitoring, evaluating and auditing the impact that peer support has in your service user groups? Do you take a flexible approach to peer support? One size does not fit all. @kathevans2

12 Our challenges Do we know what matters most to young people?
Who are our most ‘hidden’ ‘seldom heard’ young people Do we invest in our communication skills? Do we have/links to young people’s forums? Do we embrace youth social action in health? Do we invite young people in to review services, to interview, to educate us? Are we using social media networks? How mature is our work on peer support? Are we growing our youth worker/CNS roles? @kathevans2

13 Kath Evans Experience of Care Lead (Children, Young People and Maternity Services) @kathevans2

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