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Do Now: #1-8, p.346 Let Check the graph first?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: #1-8, p.346 Let Check the graph first?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: #1-8, p.346 Let Check the graph first?
1. Continuous for all real numbers 2. 3. H.A.: y = 0, y = 50 4. In both the first and second derivatives, the denominator will be a power of , which is never 0. Thus, the domains of both are all real numbers.

2 Do Now: #1-8, p.346 Let Check the graph first?
5. Graph f in [–30, 70] by [–10, 60]. f (x) has no zeros. 6. Graph the first derivative in [–30, 70] by [–0.5, 2]. Inc. interval: Dec. interval: None 7. Graph the second derivative in [–30, 70] by [–0.08, 0.08]. Conc. up: Conc. down: 8. Point of inflection:

3 Logistic Growth Section 6.5a

4 Review from last section…
Many populations grow at a rate proportional to the size of the population. Thus, for some constant k, Notice that is constant, and is called the relative growth rate. Solution (from Sec. 6.4):

5 Logistic Growth Models
In reality, most populations are limited in growth. The maximum population (M) is the carrying capacity. The relative growth rate is proportional to 1 – (P/M), with positive proportionality constant k: or The solution to this logistic differential equation is called the logistic growth model. (What happens when P exceeds M???)

6 Use your calculator to get the slope field for this equation.
A national park is known to be capable of supporting no more than 100 grizzly bears. Ten bears are in the park at present. We model the population with a logistic differential eq. with k = 0.1. (a) Draw and describe a slope field for the differential equation. Carrying capacity = M = 100 k = 0.1 Differential Equation: Use your calculator to get the slope field for this equation. (Window: [0, 150] by [0, 150])

7 Rewrite Partial Fractions
A national park is known to be capable of supporting no more than 100 grizzly bears. Ten bears are in the park at present. We model the population with a logistic differential eq. with k = 0.1. (b) Find a logistic growth model P(t) for the population and draw its graph. Differential Equation: Initial Condition: Rewrite Partial Fractions

8 Rewrite Integrate Prop. of Logs
A national park is known to be capable of supporting no more than 100 grizzly bears. Ten bears are in the park at present. We model the population with a logistic differential eq. with k = 0.1. (b) Find a logistic growth model P(t) for the population and draw its graph. Rewrite Integrate Prop. of Logs

9 Prop. of Logs Exponentiate Rewrite
A national park is known to be capable of supporting no more than 100 grizzly bears. Ten bears are in the park at present. We model the population with a logistic differential eq. with k = 0.1. (b) Find a logistic growth model P(t) for the population and draw its graph. Prop. of Logs Exponentiate Rewrite

10 Let A = + e Solve for P Initial Condition
A national park is known to be capable of supporting no more than 100 grizzly bears. Ten bears are in the park at present. We model the population with a logistic differential eq. with k = 0.1. (b) Find a logistic growth model P(t) for the population and draw its graph. The Model: –c Let A = + e Solve for P Graph this on top of our slope field! Initial Condition

11 A national park is known to be capable of supporting no more
than 100 grizzly bears. Ten bears are in the park at present. We model the population with a logistic differential eq. with k = 0.1. (c) When will the bear population reach 50? Solve: Note: As illustrated in this example, the solution to the general logistic differential equation is always

12 More Practice Problems
For the population described, (a) write a diff. eq. for the population, (b) find a formula for the population in terms of t, and (c) superimpose the graph of the population function on a slope field for the differential equation. 1. The relative growth rate of Flagstaff is 0.83% and its current population is 60,500. How does the graph look???

13 More Practice Problems
For the population described, (a) write a diff. eq. for the population, (b) find a formula for the population in terms of t, and (c) superimpose the graph of the population function on a slope field for the differential equation. 2. A population of birds follows logistic growth with k = 0.04, carrying capacity of 500, and initial population of 40. How does the graph look???

14 This is a logistic growth model
More Practice Problems The number of students infected by measles in a certain school is given by the formula where t is the number of days after students are first exposed to an infected student. (a) Show that the function is a solution of a logistic differential equation. Identify k and the carrying capacity. This is a logistic growth model with k = 1 and M = 200.

15 Initially (t = 0), 1 student has the measles.
More Practice Problems The number of students infected by measles in a certain school is given by the formula where t is the number of days after students are first exposed to an infected student. (b) Estimate P(0). Explain its meaning in the context of the problem. Initially (t = 0), 1 student has the measles.

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