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Run chart problem list percent compliance by month at discharge.

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1 Run chart problem list percent compliance by month at discharge.
Run chart problem list percent compliance by month at discharge. Interventions: (1) April 7, 2010: Begin change of organ-based documentation to problem based. (2) June 8, 2010: Problem list added to training for residents and fellows. (3) July 6, 2010: Step action handouts distributed. (4) July 14–30, 2010: Key stakeholders’ awareness of problem list for all inpatients completed. (5) September 30–October 11, 2010: Focused teaching on rounds. (6) October 11, 2013: problem list use biweekly graph initiation. (7) January 14, 2011: Met with psychiatrists regarding use of inpatient problem list and demonstrated use. (8) February 1, 2011: Added to biweekly s regarding problem list use. Leigh Anne Bakel et al. Hospital Pediatrics 2014;4: ©2014 by American Academy of Pediatrics

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