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Welcome Back! Welcome to the school year! Mrs. Bromagen

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Welcome to the school year! Mrs. Bromagen"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year! Mrs. Bromagen
English II (Periods 2-7) Planning (1st Period) Building 1 Room 224

2 Bell Work Please take an index card.
Please print the following on your index cards: Your first and last name What you want to be called Parents/ Guardians names Phone number Your favorite class Sports/Clubs/Extra Activities you are involved in Your hobbies Your goals for the future What you want to get from this class Finish this phrase- I appreciate it when teachers…

3 My Contact Info. Building 1 Room 224 Teacher webpage on the Montgomery County School site

4 Meet Mrs. Bromagen I am married with 2 children.
I graduated Morehead State with a Bachelor’s in Communications. I worked as a Marketing Coordinator for a sports marketing firm in Lexington. I am completing my Masters. I enjoy reading, movies and sports. I love spending time with my kids and my husband. I look forward to the year ahead and have high expectations!

5 Syllabus Course Info.-The course requires reading novels, plays, short stories, poems, and essays. Much emphasis is placed upon reading & writing. Students will analyze and interpret poetry, short stories, and essays of literary criticism. Materials Class Notebook (This can be a composition/spiral notebook-highly recommended to stay in this classroom). Loose Leaf Paper Pens/Pencils Grading Scale A, B, etc. Grades will be determined by the total number of points you earn divided by the total number of possible points.

6 Classroom guidelines 1. Be in your seat and working when the class period begins. 2. Bring ALL books and materials with you to class and take all materials as you leave. 3. Treat each person with dignity and respect. 4. Please follow directions the first time they are given. 5. Follow all procedures and policies outlined in MCHS handbook. 6. This classroom is a No Whining Zone.

7 Consequences for not following guidelines
1. Warning and documentation 2. Action Plan, parental contact, and a 30 minute detention 3. Disciplinary referral *Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages any property (student, teacher or school), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.

8 Classroom Procedures Procedures are different from rules. Rules are in place to keep you safe, and on task. Rules have consequences if not followed. Procedures are in place to keep you organized and efficient. Procedures will be practiced. Governments invoke laws to help maintain peaceful communities. Companies have by-laws in order to facilitate productive work environments. Games have rules to create a baseline standard of play.

9 Procedures cont. Class Begins- when the bell rings. You will have either bell work or a warm up activity posted or instructed every day. Entering the room- Grab your assigned CPS and be seated in your assigned seat. Class Ends -when I dismiss you. I will not make you late, so please wait to be dismissed. What to bring to class everyday- pencil/pen, paper, notebook, reading book, homework, and a great attitude and respect.

10 Procedures cont. During Instruction:
Listen to the teacher/speaker with full attention. No pencil sharpening, talking, or moving about the classroom. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand and waiting quietly to be called on. After instruction: Make sure you understand the concept. If not, ask questions!!!!!

11 Procedures cont. Label ALL assignments with: your first and last name
my name class name and period date When Tardy- Follow school procedures, have materials with you, enter the room and get seated as quickly and quietly as possible. Place your excuse in a designated area, I will sign and hand back. Requesting permission to leave the room- Raise your hand in order to ask permission, sign the hall pass log sheet (located next to the door), and take the hall pass with you. When you return- sign the log sheet again and replace hall pass.

12 Procedures cont. Hall Passes- Permission to leave the room will not be granted in the first 15 minutes or last 15 minutes of class. This is a school wide policy. Turning in assignments- Place assignments in the tray corresponding with your class period. Obtaining Make-Up Work- Check the folder that corresponds to the day of the week that you missed. Read the directions and ask me if you have any questions. It would be to your benefit to double check with me about assignments.

13 Procedures cont. What to do if you don’t have your homework- Students will be allotted 1 freebie due date. This does not mean you don’t have to complete the assignment!!! This means that you will be given until the following day to turn in the assignment for credit. *Once you use the freebie due date and fail to turn in an assignment, your grade on the assignment will be reduced. The assignment must be turned in by the following day. What to do if you don’t have materials- There is a designated area for extra paper, pencils, books, etc. Repeated failure to bring materials will result in the appropriate consequence.

14 Procedures cont. Where to find homework assignments- Assignments will be posted in a designated area. Handouts, notes, etc. will be placed in a folder with the corresponding day. What to do next- Work on unfinished English assignments, Read your choice novel, Review vocabulary words/Study for upcoming test, or Start working on tonight’s homework.

15 Final Thoughts I am excited to be at MCHS and look forward to the year ahead! "The important thing is never to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein

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