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As an Ethical Value in Islam By Mudasir Majeed

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1 As an Ethical Value in Islam By Mudasir Majeed
Truthfulness As an Ethical Value in Islam By Mudasir Majeed Assistant Professor Department Islamic Studies GDC Bijbehara Class 3rd Semester

2 Literally Sidq means “to speak truth” & if you are giving information about something or someone your statement should be true & unequivocal. On the basis of literal meaning, Sidq is concerned only with tongue but in religious terminology Sidq is used in a very vast sense and it is not concerned only with ones word as well as in his action. His actions should perfectly correspond to his inward state without the slightest taint of hypocrisy.

3 One should be truthful in both his Words and Actions

4 [Surah-At Taubah verse 199]
Truthfulness in Word This is concerned with others i.e. when one gives information about someone on some event his information should be true and in accordance to the reality. {O you who believe, fear Allah, and be in the company of the truthful.} [Surah-At Taubah verse 199]

5 Truthfulness in Action
This is concerned with one’s own self i.e. he acts according to what he says; his words and actions are in perfect conformity. {And he who brings the Truth and he who confirms (and supports) it - such are the men who do right} [Surah-Al Zumar verse 33]

6 There are two kinds of Truth
Absolute Truth Relative Truth

7 Punishment for one who rejects Truth
So, who is more unjust than him who forges a lie against Allah and rejects the truth when it reached him? Is it not that in Jahannam (Hell) there is an abode for the disbelievers? [Surah A-Zumar verse 32- (39:32)]

8 Truthful person in the sight Allah
Abdullah bin Masud narrated that Holy Prophet(saw) said, “a true action leads to the path of virtue and good deeds and virtue paves way to paradise, and the said person continues to speak the truth till in the sight of Allah, he is named saddiq or truthful. Lying leads to vice and vice leads to indecent acts and if a person goes on lying till in the sight of Allah he is named a liar”. [ØaÍÊÍ Muslim, KitÉb al Bir wa Øilah wal Adab,HadÊth No-2607]

9 Truth as a basic commandment of Prophet SAW
Abu sufyan (r.a) narrates as part of his statement about Heraclius that the later asked him what does he (i.e. Prophet SAW) teaches you and he said He says : Worship Allah alone and do not associate anything with Him, and discard all that your ancestors said :and he commands us to observe prayer, to tell the Truth, to be chaste and to strengthen the ties of kinship by helping those who are related you. [ØaÍÊÍ al BukhÉrÊ, KitÉb al Wahy, HadÊth No 07]

10 [TirmidhÊ, AbwÉb Øifat al QiyÉmah walRaqÉiq wal warÉ, HadÊth No 2518]
Truth gives Comfort Hassan bin ‘Ali narrates that he learnt the following from the Prophet(saw), “leave alone that which involves thee(U) in doubt and adhere to that which is free from doubt, for truth is comforting and falsehood is disturbing”. [TirmidhÊ, AbwÉb Øifat al QiyÉmah walRaqÉiq wal warÉ, HadÊth No 2518]

11 Thanks

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