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The Research Data Alliance

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1 The Research Data Alliance
Hilary Hanahoe Secretary General Research Data Alliance @resdatall

2 The Research Data Alliance vision is researchers and innovators openly sharing data across technologies, disciplines, and countries to address the grand challenges of society CC BY-SA 4.0 @resdatall

3 … and the mission is to build the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing and re-use of data. CC BY-SA 4.0 @resdatall

4 By and for International data experts … - Multi, cross- and inter-disciplinary - Grass roots approach - Neutral social platform @resdatall

5 RDA across the globe Guiding Principles: Openness Consensus Balance Harmonization Community-driven Non-profit and technology-neutral 7,500 RDA members come from 137 different countries @resdatall CC BY-SA 4.0

6 TIMING: as long as group is active TOTAL: 61 Interest Groups
focus on solving a specific data sharing problem and identifying what kind of infrastructure needs to be built. TIMING: as long as group is active TOTAL: 61 Interest Groups Working Groups develop and implement data infrastructure, e.g. tools, policy, practices & products that are adopted and used by projects, organizations, and communities TIMING: MONTHS TOTAL: 33 Working Groups RECOMMENDATIONS: Concrete deliverables - “Running code”, tools, standards, etc. OUTPUT: Possibly case statements for new WGs, guidelines, best practice, etc. CC BY-SA 4.0 @resdatall

7 Open Science | Open Data
CC BY-SA 4.0 @resdatall

8 “Seas of Open Science” Oceans = 70.8% of Earth's surface
Source: @resdatall

9 @resdatall

10 D A R @resdatall

11 Openness Consensus Balance Harmonization Community-driven Non-profit and technology-neutral

12 Join at
Getting on board Join at @resdatall

13 The Research Data Alliance
Hilary Hanahoe Secretary General Research Data Alliance @resdatall

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