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1 <Abstract title line 1> <Abstract title line 2>
Authors 1, Authors 2, Authors 3 INTRODUCTION RESULTS (continued) Outlining the context and problem identified. Aim for concision and plain English in this section, where possible. Recommended length of this section: 100 words. Text should be no smaller than 24pt (as in this template) Where possible, we recommend authors use small images and data tables to improve posters’ visual appeal. These can be placed inline alongside the text, or gaps can be left in the text to place them, as in the adjacent column. In this section Explore the effects of the changes made during your project Starting with the most significant results. Include facts and figures Images can be included, as below. Other images can be included inline alongside the text When placing images, be careful not to “bury” text! (Text gets lost behind images) METHODS Word counts in each section are approximate guides only: Sections may be resized at the author’s discretion, but the header and footer must remain in place. DO NOT STRETCH OR SQUEEZE THE HEADER OR FOOTER. Don’t forget to edit the contact information in the footer: Tables Data Elaborate here on your strategy for addressing the problem (~XX words) Picture of project participant RESULTS Quote from project participant: “This project will…” Expand here on your results (~xx words) DISCUSSION Summarise what lessons have been learned as a result of your work, and what messages others can take away. REFERENCES Author Affiliations Contact information: Include website address, social media information such as Twitter handle, other Useful contacts.

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