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Alexander W. Chao (SLAC)

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1 Alexander W. Chao (SLAC)
Beam-Beam diffusion Alexander W. Chao (SLAC) Cécile Rimbault (LAL) A.C. would like to thank Eugene Perevedentsev for illuminating discussions.

2 Beam-Beam diffusion Beam-beam diffusion caused by discrete-particle scatterings with coulomb scattering angle : (b=impact parameter) This can leads to: Reduction of beam life time (particle loss during collision) Emittance growth Spin diffusion Is it a problem for SuperB?  should be studied because SuperB’s luminosity comes from colliding a small number of particles which are sharply focussed. The small number of colliding particles implies larger statistical effects. tests comparing kick angle from gaussian distribution charge (GUINEA-PIG++ simulation) and discrete point charges

3 Simulations GUINEA-PIG++ (GP++): kick calculated from gaussian field
1slice-slice interaction with sx=8mm, sy=36nm, bx=25.3mm, by=0.25mm, N= NB (sx/f)/sz=3 109, E=5.3 GeV Nmacro (M) varies from 5000 to 60000 Grid parameters have also been tested Beam-beam diffusion Use same as GP++ initial distribution. Calculate a kick of 2req/gb (with q=N/M) for each Mparticle-Mparticle collision and sum for each Mpart.  Comparisons of the kick from gaussian (which does not contain diffusion) with the kick from Mparticles (which contains diffusion)

4 kick from gaussian field and kick from multiparticles scattering
Comparison of kick from gaussian field and kick from multiparticles scattering Larger angles from diffusion: need to study particle loss

5 Emittance diffusion Emittance diffusion and spin diffusion are charaterized by Qx and Qy From theory , corresponding to an emittance diffusion time of 46s and a spin diffusion time of 4.6h From simulation Qy is 3.3 larger, means tdiff = 14s and a spin diffusion time of 1.4h

6 Beam lifetime Beam lifetime is charaterized by the probability for a particle to be lost during the collision. From theory , corresponding to a beam lifetime of 40mn Floss=Nloss/M, Nloss = Nb of part. for which with ncutoff =2,3, s’x= 320 mrad s’y= 144 mrad From simulation Floss is ~7.3 smaller, means tloss = 292mn

7 Beam-Beam diffusion conclusion
Nice accordance between theory and simulation  Beam life time due to beam-beam diffusion = 292mn Emittance diffusion time = 14s Spin diffusion time = 1.4 h Small effects, should not be a problem for SuperB Need to be confirmed by other theories and more simulations

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