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Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission (2010)

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Presentation on theme: "Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission (2010)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission (2010)

2 Do limits to campaign contributions violate the first amendment?
Citizens United - Yes FEC- No

3 Should those who collect money for campaign purposes be made to disclose who donated to them and how much they donated? Citizens United- No FEC- Yes

4 The Decision (5-4) Roberts Scalia Thomas Alito Kennedy Ginsberg Breyer
DC United FEC Roberts Scalia Thomas Alito Kennedy Ginsberg Breyer Stevens Sotomayor

5 The Supreme Court decided that the first amendment protects corporations as well as individual citizens.  

6 Political advertisements are a form of free speech and the money that supports that speech cannot be limited by the federal government.


8 Results


10 Spending 2018 Elections

11 Has the Citizens United decision helped or hindered American democracy?

12 Works Cited Page "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." Oyez, 14 Nov. 2018, Open Secrets. Accessed 15 Nov. 2018 The Washington Post. 22 Jan. 2014, fix/wp/2014/01/21/     how-citizens-united-changed-politics-in-6- charts/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.64a41c7a88e1.     Accessed 15 Nov  

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