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ACSDA 2018 General Assembly
Annual Report on activities and achievements
Public Goods Initiative
ACSDA – IDB Regional Public Goods Initiative Work on this initiative began back in January 2015 Months of effort culminated in the submission of ACSDA’s Proposal on April 7th, 2016: “Strengthening Compliance on a Regional Basis with the Global Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures”. On July 20, 2016, ACSDA was advised by the IDB that its project was approved under the Regional Public Goods (RPG Initiative) and awarded our project USD 306, From September to October 2016 we completed the development, submission and approval of the necessary project documentation. During November and December 2016 we completed the development and submission of the Consultants Terms of Reference, the criteria for selection of consultants, as well as the creation of a list of potential consultants. We also held our initial meeting of the newly formed Project Steering Committee, established project contacts and schedule preferences In March 2016 Grupo de Consultores Interamericanos (GCI) were awarded with the contract for the project. GCI is composed of Cecilia Humphrey, Vicente Lazen, Monique Moura, Mary Ann Callahan, and Loretta Stack.
Public Goods Initiative Cont.
ACSDA – IDB Regional Public Goods Initiative Cont. ACSDA Secretariat has responsibility for project management and coordination, organization of the Project Steering Committee, project reporting and laison between ACSDA, the project participants and the IDB. Project Steering Committee is now in its second iteration. May 22 – 24, 2017 the project Workshop was held for the project participants in Panama City and was attended by more than 50 delegates. Training – 100% Self Assessment – 10 of 15 have completed 75% or more of the report On-Site sessions completed in 9 of 15, 2 scheduled and 4 pending Annexes and Remediation Plans, very early stages.
Public Goods Initiative Cont.
ACSDA – IDB Regional Public Goods Initiative Cont. Participating ACSDA Members (17 members from 16 Markets) * Benefiting CSDs Argentina – Caja de Valores S.A. Barbados* – Barbados Stock Exchange Bolivia* – Entidad de Depósito de Valores de Bolivia S.A. Brazil – Balcão Organizado de Ativos e Derivativos Colombia* – Depósito Centralizado de Valores de Colombia Deceval S.A. Costa Rica* – Interclear Central De Valores S.A. Chile - Depósito Central de Valores S.A. Dominican Republic* – Depósito Centralizado de Valores, S. A. El Salvador* – Central de Depósito de Valores S.A. Guatemala* – Central de Valores Nacional S.A. Jamaica* – Jamaica Central Securities Depository Mexico – S.D. Indeval, Institución para el Depósito de Valores S.A. de C.V. Panama* – Central Latinoamericana de Valores, S.A. Paraguay* – Bolsa de Valores y Productos de Asunción S.A. Peru* – Cavali S.A. I.C.L.V. Uruguay* – Banco Central del Uruguay, Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo Also Participating * Bermuda – Bermuda Stock Exchange *Eastern Caribbean – Eastern Caribbean Central Securities Depository
Education Panama PFI Workshop in May Completed a survey on topics of interest – less than half the members responded, however we have a list of themes to pursue Webinars did not materialize – this needs to be among ACSDA’s biggest priorities going forward Identifying contributors will be key Cybersecurity Workshop – Planned for January 2018, but did not materialize due to insufficient enrollment to assure financial viability General Assembly conference program
Overview Communications First Newsletter: July 9 2017
Objective: Inform about ACSDA related topics, strenghtening relations and communications with stakeholders, improving understanding and transparency in all our communications, internal and external Overview First Newsletter: July On July 27 the Communications Plan was sent to the Executive Commitee for approval. It is approved and shared in the meeting on August 4, 2017. Web Form is designed for updating contacts and is sent on September 6. The goal of the form is to update ACSDA’s DB. Replies: 63. s obtained: 450. To date, 17 newsletters have been sent VIA Once a month, on the last Thursday or when circumstanmces warrant. LINKEDIN: Every 15 days or when it is required to send automated posts about ACSDA.
Communications COMMUNICATION CHANNELS -Live date: -Start Date: July 9
-Effectiveness: 98% -DB: 650 s through web form Data updated for ACSDA event participants -Live date: November 15 -Post visit: 100 -Followers: 40 In order for communications to reach more ACSDA members, each entity provided an from the person in charge of communications or marketing. That person is the recipient of communications and is responsible for transmitting ACSDA information from internal mail within your organization and / or sending through the organization's website. This is another way of making the information known internally. -Go-Live Date : July 9, 2017 -Website overall visits: 4.656 -Newsletter section visits: 122 COMMUNICATION CHANNELS
Communications Achievements: - The communications process has been positioned, impacting the public of interest in a better way. This has generated an active participation. - Maintain a line of communication. (Identity, Relationships and Communications). Our communications have reported regarding: - ACSDA General Assembly - IDB Project - Changes within member organizations - Meetings at which ACSDA has been present (ANNA, WFC Board and WFC global conference, planning meeting at the SWIFT offices)
Committees Risk Initial meeting of the Risk Committee was held on September 14, 2017 by conference call Attended by 7 member organizations A meeting summary was issued to all members on September 24 seeking feedback and volunteers DRP/BRP Efforts to establish a DRP/BRP Working Group following the Workshop (November 2016) despite repeated follow up Consider options in Work Plan discussion
World Forum of CSDs (WFC)
The WFC is composed of the five regional CSD associations, which together represent approximately 125 member CSDs: Asia - Pacific CSD Group (ACG) Americas’ Central Securities Depositories Association (ACSDA) Association of Eurasian Central Securities Depositories (AECSD) Africa & Middle East Depositories Association (AMEDA) European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA) In November 2017 ACSDA completed its two-year term as Chair and Secretariat of the WFC Board. ACSDA continues with WFC Board membership and active in WFC initiatives.
World Forum of CSDs (WFC) Cont.
WFC Single Disclosure Tool The WFC’s most ambitious undertaking to date, lead by ECSDA and ACSDA. Once complete, the data base of the Tool will provide a tremendous source of information on CSDs that can be used for a variety of purposes 96 CSDs registered to use the tool (up from 75 in the first year), 41 effectively used it
Potential uses of the data: risks and liability
Risk related to corporate action processing Most CSDs credit securities accounts upon actual receipt, some CSDs credit the account on the expected date in any case Liability for reconciliation errors 46 % of CSDs accept liability (independent of any insurance coverage) for reconciliation errors that result in direct damages or losses to participants
World Forum of CSDs (WFC) Cont.
WFC Single Disclosure Tool Recent enhancements: Possibility to compare between the last year and the current year (in form of a separate report) Formatting is now possible Choice of exportability: either exporting all the questions or just answered (which makes a report more readable) We are still far from the initial target of having more than 50% of WFC members using the tool by the end of Only 6 of ACSDA’s members were using the tool as of the end of 2017.
World Forum of CSDs (WFC) Cont.
CSD Fact Book Objective: The objective of World CSD Fact Book is to gather and present consolidated information/standardized data on the CSD industry Worldwide. This information will provide a useful perspective and basis of comparison for individual markets and CSDs. Target Audience Principle Audience - the CSDs for both raw and consolidated data including their staff, Board and Committee members. Secondary Audience - Regulators and Regulatory Bodies, Governments, Stock Exchanges and other Stakeholders such as Custodians, Investment Funds, Institutional investors, Industry Associations etc. Other Audiences - Students, Academic Institutions, Consultants E Learning Platform Lead by representatives from the Russian CSD (CSD) and using a platform originally created by Strate, work is underway to create an on-line platform for the delivery of CSD related training that will be available to all WFC members
World Forum of CSDs (WFC) Cont.
CSD Fact Book Content Organization Ownership Profit aim Annual Revenue Banking license Number of employees Services provided and developments/initiatives Links with other CSDs Market structure Settlement Model and Settlement Cycle Account Structure and form of custody Number and type of Participants Eligible issues by instrument type Statistics Value on deposit by instrument type Number of transactions Number of Accounts
World Forum of CSDs (WFC) Cont.
WFC 2017 in Hong Kong ACSDA was active in the Conference Steering Committee represented by Bruce Butterill, Jorge Jaramillo and Javier Jara. ACSDA was represented on several panels
Other ACSDA Activities
Member Profile Update – We once again updating sections of the Member Profiles. Currently 16 of 30 members have provided their updates. We continue to follow up with the others. In Person Executive Committee Strategy Session – Held in Miami on January 22 at the offices of SWIFT. The Executive Committee is commited to meeting in person 2-3 times per year in order to help establish and advance the initiatives of the Association. ACSDA Secretariat - It has now been just over a year Viviana Beltran joined the Secretariat Minor incremental cost to ACSDA, which has been more than offset by thousands of dollars in translation cost savings Has resulted in enhanced member communication, Website modernization Invaluable support in General Assembly preparation and execution (Boliva and Nassau) General - Executive Committee meetings, General Assembly organisation, planning and budgeting etc.
We continue to strive for this level of SUCCESS
The real measure of success for ACSDA as an Association is the active engagement of all its members We continue to strive for this level of SUCCESS
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