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  Olivier Van Hoey, Alessio Parisi, Werner Schoonjans, Filip Vanhavere

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Presentation on theme: "  Olivier Van Hoey, Alessio Parisi, Werner Schoonjans, Filip Vanhavere"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation dosimetry in space by means of compact passive luminescent detectors
Olivier Van Hoey, Alessio Parisi, Werner Schoonjans, Filip Vanhavere The Belgian Nuclear Research Center SCK•CEN, Mol, Belgium

2 Radiation dosimetry in space

3 Radiation dosimetry in space
Dosimetry is required in space for assessing radiation effects on Astronauts Plants and micro-organisms Instrumentation Radiation field in space is very complex Electrons, protons, heavier nuclei, muons, neutrons Up to extremely high energies Dosimetry in space requires a combined approach Models of the radiation field and radiation transport simulations Ambient monitoring with active and passive radiation detectors Personal monitoring with personal dosimeters

4 Passive radiation detectors

5 Passive radiation detectors
Stimulated luminescence detectors Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) Thermoluminescence (TL) Sensitive for low LET radiation (< 10 keV/µm) Detection of photons, electrons, protons, muons Track etch detectors Sensitive for high LET radiation (> 10 keV/µm) Detection of heavier nuclei and neutrons Labour intensive and complex analysis

6 TL detectors Detector types Annealing in oven Reading in Harshaw 5500
TLD Poland 6LiF:Mg,Ti (MTS-6) and 7LiF:Mg,Ti (MTS-7) 6LiF:Mg,Cu,P (MCP-6) and 7LiF:Mg,Cu,P (MCP-7) Annealing in oven Reading in Harshaw 5500 Heated with hot nitrogen gas Hamamatsu RC095 HA PMT

7 TL detectors

8 Integration interval 100°C – 260°C
TL detectors Integration interval 100°C – 260°C

9 OSL detectors Detector type Bleaching by one day exposure to sun light
Landauer Al2O3:C (Luxel) Bleaching by one day exposure to sun light Reading with self-developed argon ion laser system

10 OSL detectors mirror filter objective Ar+ laser Luxel filter PMT
OSL Luxel: peak between 370 nm and 440 nm Laser: two emission lines at 488 nm (close to Luxel resonance peak) and nm Melles Griot type 35 LAP 431 Ar-ion laser Microscope objective to expand beam diameter 8X Electronic shutter to avoid switching of the laser Electron Tubes type 9924 PMT sensitivity peak between 300 nm and 500 nm Melles Griot type 03 FCG 465 long-pass filter just behind microscope objective blocks laser light interfering with Luxel OSL below 450 nm 3 Melles Griot type 03 FIV 026 interference filters just in front of the PMT transmit Luxel OSL from 390 nm to 430 nm Luxel filter PMT

11 Integration interval 0 s – 100 s
OSL detectors Integration interval 0 s – 100 s

12 Past, ongoing and future projects

13 DOSIS and DOSIS 3D Multilateral project lead by DLR since 2009
Monitoring the radiation environment in the Columbus module of the International Space Station Study of the spatial and temporal variations in the radiation field Variety of active and passive detectors



16 DOSIS and DOSIS 3D Daily dose values for each experiment normalized to their average over all boxes

17 DOSIS and DOSIS 3D Daily dose values for each box normalized to their average over all experiments DI DII D3DI D3DII D3DIII D3DIV D3DV D3DVI D3DVII D3DVIII

18 DOSIS and DOSIS 3D [1]
[2] [3]

19 DOSIS and DOSIS 3D [1] private communication with Thomas Berger

20 Biological experiments

21 Biological experiments

22 PhD on luminescent detectors in space
Experimental characterization of luminescent detectors Optimization of the read out protocols Prediction of detection efficiency for different radiation types Trying to combine measurements with different luminescent detectors to get the total dose without track etch detectors

23 Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment on Orion EM-1

24 Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment on Orion EM-1

25 Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment on Orion EM-1

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