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Title: Reducing Wait Time for clients

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1 Title: Reducing Wait Time for clients
Scope/Boundaries: The Intake Counsellor in Hamilton Halton and the Counsellors & Educators in Brant and Haldimand Norfolk offices will start tracking the dates when referrals come in (fax, in person, call) and when the service is actually offered. We will do a PDSA exercise with clients contacting us during the month of January 2015 Team Executive Sponsor: Mary Burnett Project Lead: JoAnne Chalifour Improvement Advisor: Tricia Wilkerson Team Members: Karen Chandler, Kerri Emberlin, Lorraine Skarratt, Anne Swift, Ashlee Taylor, Dana Vladescu and Nicole Z. Schadenberg Problem Statement: Given the high volume of new referrals, our clients (Persons with dementia & Care Partners) don’t have access to access to services in a timely manner. (there are too many accesses to services) Rationale: - We don’t have guidelines on wait times; We don’t currently track wait time (except for BSO program); Best practices for groups: 2 months wait time is acceptable There is no centralized intake process in some of our branches. Aim Statement: By March 31, 2015 there will be a system in place to track when referrals are received and when clients actually access counselling support, education and social program to reduce clients’ wait time by 20%. Measures: Outcome Measure: Clients’ experience, reduced wait times for Alzheimer Society services (# of days), Process Measure: First Link program’s expected response time: 3 business days; LHIN’s expectation re: our response time: 5 business days. Balancing Measure: Track services that clients are seeking from the Alzheimer Society and their availability. Root Causes of the Problem: Change Ideas: Anticipated Barriers and Mitigation Strategies: Anticipated Timeline Key Milestones Resources Required: Signatures: Executive Sponsor: _______________________________ Project Lead: __________________________________

2 Title: Project Title Scope/Boundaries: Indicate the beginning and end steps and the process being focused on Team List the names and positions for: Executive Sponsor (someone on senior management who will be accountable at a senior level, will remove barriers, ensure adequate resources are provided, etc) Project Lead (Person accountable for accountable for leadership of the project team and accountable for day-to-day project progress) Process Owner (often the same person as the Project Lead; a person who is in a management position and is accountable for the process being improved; Improvement Advisor (Someone who does not necessarily have content expertise, but provides and builds QI expertise in the team; for this Learning Collaborative, the Project Lead will also be the Improvement Advisor, supported by an External Coach. Team Members (Ensure the team includes ndividuals from the front line who are most familiar with the process , and where possible, “suppliers” and “customers” who may be impacted through inputs to or outputs from the process) Aim Statement: Articulate your project aim stating “How much” (amount of improvement – eg 30%) , “by when” (a month and year), “as measured by” (needs to reflect service delivery improvement that will directly impact clients) Problem Statement: . What is the problem and what parts of the organization does it impact/touch? . Why is this important to the organization? Is it linked to a strategic priority? . Is there data or other evidence that helps to highlight the problem? Measures: Include a Family of Measures: . Outcome Measures (at least one) . Process Measures (at least one per change idea) . Balancing Measures (at least one) Root Causes of the Problem: How were they identified? Include any available evidence. Change Ideas: What are they? What is the hypothesized relationship between the root causes and the change ideas? Is there evidence in the literature or elsewhere for the relationship? Anticipated Barriers and Mitigation Strategies: Anticipated Timeline Over how many months will the project be conducted? If possible, specify start date by month and year, and end date by month and year Key Milestones: Identify key points over the project duration at which time you anticipate key deliverables/results Resources Required: Budget, Dedicated Staff Time for Project Lead and for Team members. Signatures: Signals that these individuals have read the Charter and are aware of the project focus, and at minimum, commit to and agree with the design, set up, and resource requirements at the early stages. Executive Sponsor: _______________________________ Project Lead: __________________________________

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