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Podcasts & RSS Feeds in the Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "Podcasts & RSS Feeds in the Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Podcasts & RSS Feeds in the Classroom
What is this? How can these be used in my instruction?

2 Agenda How do all our electronic solutions fit together?
What are podcasts and RSS feeds? How do I locate them? What do I do with them after I find them? How can they enhance my instruction? What’s the next step? This PowerPoint and All Materials for This Class are found on


4 Sample Video Podcasts  Personal Professional Development
Diversity Podcast  Instructional Teacher Created Samples Figurative Language Podcast Secondary Math Student Created (instructional OR demonstration of learning) Elementary Math

5 Sample Audio Podcasts Great Site for Free Audio Podcasts
Learn Out Loud You Can Search by Topic Kipling Poem “If” Eleanor Roosevelt Address the General Assembly

6 Great Podcast Websites
Podcast.Com Channels National Public Radio Education Podcast Network

7 What is a Podcast? iPod Broadcast Podcast

8 Podcast is Just a Digital File
2 Types of Podcasts Video Format Audio and Video Audio Format Sound Only

9 But I Don’t Have an iPod! Play the audio or video podcasts on…

10 What is So Great About Podcasting?
Any Time Any Where Learning

11 Where Do Podcasts Come From?
Hundreds of Thousands are on the Web Most Major Websites (NASA, etc.) Educational in Nature: Great PD Opportunity A Manner to Share Information—valuable and not-so-valuable Anyone Can Create and Share—on the web or through another means You Tube and Teacher Tube

12 Questions?

13 iTunes Thousands of Educational Podcasts
iTunes Gathers Podcasts From Hundreds of Websites And Puts Them in the iTunes Store—These are FREE iTunes is a Free Download

14 iTunes Home Page

15 Thousands of Podcasts Filter by: Video Podcasts Audio Podcasts Topically

16 Click to get More information About the podcast Click to Download The FREE Podcast Double Click To Play Podcast

17 Open iTunes on Your Desktop
Participant Activity Open iTunes on Your Desktop Explore the Podcast Area

18 I Found Some Great Resources…Now What Do I Do?

19 Options You Can Just Listen to Them Within iTunes Or
You Can Download Them From iTunes

20 Your iTunes Library Your Playlists Everything you download first
Goes here. Your Playlists You can build topical playlists

21 When Podcast is Downloading…
Download Symbol is Rotating

22 Participant Activity Download 2 Podcasts of Your Choice

23 Now What? Where Did They Go?
Click on “Podcasts” in your Library In Menu Bar, go to Edit>Preferences This location can be Changed at any time

24 Today You Downloaded 2 Podcasts
They went to the hard drive on the computer you are on now. Let’s take them from this hard drive and put them on your U Drive

25 Participant Activity On Your U Drive, make a folder called “Podcasts”
Navigate to the podcasts which you just downloaded onto the hard drive of your computer Right click on the file Send to > the Podcast folder you made on your U Drive

26 How Do I Share These With My Students?
Option 1: Upload Them To Your Class Website! (Consider file size) Uploading Files to Your SharpSchool Website is Covered in SharpSchool Module 2!

27 But I Don’t Have Time to Continually Check iTunes for New Releases!

28 PART 2

29 That Brings Us to Another Option On How To Share These Podcasts With Your Students
RSS Feeds

30 Up Until Now… We have talked about locating podcasts for
classroom and/or professional development purposes. We’ve located them on individual websites and in iTunes. We’ve done all the work looking for podcasts. Now we are going to learn how to automatically pull in podcasts AND other content-related resources

31 RSS Feeds in Plain English

32 Really Simple Syndication
What is an RSS Feed? Really Simple Syndication Subscribe You

33 When You Subscribe… As a Person Posts a New Podcast to Their Website, You Get It Downloaded Automatically if You Have Subscribed to the Podcast Same Concept of a Magazine Subscription

34 How Do I Manage All These Podcasts Which I Subscribe To??

35 iTunes Is One Option for audio and video podcasts
because there is no limit on how many subscriptions you can have

36 iTunes is a “Compiler” or “Aggregator” For Audio and Video Podcasts

37 Subscribing to Listed in iTunes
Find a Series Click on “Subscribe”

38 Managing Your Subscriptions

39 Frequency to Check for Downloads on Subscriptions
Settings by Series or Settings for All Podcasts Which Episode to Download How Many to Keep on Your Hard Drive

40 What if I Find Podcasts on the Web That I Like But They Aren’t Listed in iTunes?
You can force iTunes to pull them in but you have another option…just download them to your hard drive or external storage device

41 Searching the Web for Podcasts
Participant Activity Searching the Web for Podcasts Google Search Samples “children reading podcasts” “Science experiment podcasts” “math podcasts” Etc.

42 Can I Save Podcasts Without Subscribing to Them?
Take iTunes out of the Picture. You can just locate podcasts and save them to your hard drive!

43 Most Podcasts Are Downloadable
Yes! Even Without Going Through iTunes. Just Locate a Podcast and Then Save It to Your Hard Drive Most Podcasts Are Downloadable Point Cursor to “Play” or “Download” Right Click “Save Target As…” Save to Your Selected Location

44 Up Until Now… We have been talking about locating podcasts,
subscribing to them through iTunes if you wanted to, or just locating podcasts and downloading them to your hard drive. But iTunes doesn’t handle just text items you want to subscribe to—like news feeds, website updates, etc.

45 What About Subscribing to a Website
What About Subscribing to a Website? I want to know when a website is updated… I want the news delivered to me… I want to follow an educational blog…

46 Participant Activity Bringing News Feeds into Your SharpSchool Website: Practice Activity Go to

47 Follow These Steps to Add to Your Class Website
Always Look for an RSS Subscribe Link Search for the URL of the Feed Follow These Steps to Add to Your Class Website Adding an RSS Feed to Your SharpSchool Page (Handout)

48 Follow-Up to This Class
Consider Creating Your Own Podcasts Consider Having Your Students Create Podcasts: Instructional or Demonstration of Learning Enroll in “Creating Audio Podcasts” Enroll in “Creating Video Podcasts” Consider Posting Podcasts on Your Class Website

49 How Can Podcasting Support Your Curriculum?
Reflection How Can Podcasting Support Your Curriculum?

50 Atomic Learning Podcast Videos
What is a podcast? Anatomy of a Podcast iTunes and podcasts Setting preferences for itunes handling podcasts Downloading individual episodes of a podcast Detailed info on a podcast Unsubscribing to a podcast iTunes gathering podcasts automatically for you Adding an address of an RSS feed when you have the URL – in the Advanced menu

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